Wednesday, April 27, 2011

relationship as all

1, let the earth alive, so green and easy homes.
2, the earth is my home, Green will depend on all
3, green is the true nature of the earth there are many more
human creatures and nature reciprocal support, a total of environmental harmony of civilization.
make the world alive, so green and cozy homes.
natural sources of life, health from environmental.
also antique imagine of a pure, give the baby a piece of blue sky. Juan
million into water, the Department of .
Pure Land to build a party, share the blue sky.
mountains and blue sky This is our home.
break to the environment acquisitions from the debt.
blue clear water create Metro Fukuzawa you and me , create a civilized and agreeable alive benefit thousands of families.
to the green roots immediately, clear green future.
care day care to protect the grass Hu Hua Shan protect the environment * love love love the water love Zhuzhou
woods bird sweethearts concentric scanning green, all painted blue.
leave the sky you and me, let green water around the world.
Please reflect on each day: In addition to pollution, what I have left?
cherish life park, cherish the water of life, and cherish the earth to survive.
beautiful blue sky because there are clouds, the earth beautiful because of vegetation.
comprehensive utilization of resources, neat production
to build a green outlook with the attention of the competitiveness of students, green plants by the hands , disaster from pollution, the blessing came from the environmental protection.
you in retaining the green, environmental protection focuses on operation.
window open blue sky, Aoyama clasp to open the door, into the green globe, sharing a pretty life.
the statute protect the natural environment, create social civilization and morality.
annuals of life because of all the world's environmental hereafter generations
and harmonious, and beautiful life because of the green.
your culture in words and actions, focuses on environmental protection bit by bit.
mansion a harmonious social environment, subserve environmental protection new atmosphere of civilization.
and green-yu, and environmental counterparts.
green seeds sown with the center, using a green perspiration furrow home.
bit by bit environmental conditions, ardent earnest patriotism.
love their homes to protect the environment, health, life every daytime.
pursuance of environmental protection is you and I wish to partake in environmental protection is the liability of you and me.
the green into the home, so that Life away from the pollution.
do everything possible to control pollution, protect the environment together.
Green take a deep respiration, the sun a good savor.
hand in hand, to create a better environment; heart to heart, building a harmonious society.
improve pollution prevention and control go together to build a harmonious Zhuzhou.
If nature is the mother, then we should be filial.
protection of the environment is to protect human beings themselves.
surely in the side, protecting the heart.
care for nature , build a better home.
green, normal pulchritude, the voice of the mind,toronto escort, is to depend above the human.
Earth in your home, protect by all.
nature is what? is your survival mother. < br> concerned about the environment, is cared about the future.
heart protection, because that is the root of our lives.
green plants, water is cooling off. Road Park, the new house, the house lukewarm.
protection you and me He, with remove water and blue sky all.
out your hand, stretch my hand, lustered blue sky, scatter the green.
build green homes, creating a better life.
little more than you love nature, natural love you a mini longer.
gold and silver mines, as Guanghui.
protection of the blue sky, clear water, eco-home care.
afforestation and beautify their homes; show green Pudong and maintaining the environment.
flowers Hong and the United States, Qian Jun not to adopt, keep everyone to watch, there is constantly beautiful.
green environment as their own, we rely on to protect the environment.
litter smiling, you did not forget to give a little.
School is a colossal garden to care for students and instructors.
the sky bluer, the water is more green, so our homes more beautiful.
protecting the environment is to protect our own human homes!
blue sky and white clouds, coast clear water green,toronto escorts, protect the environment, I start from.
green environment, eco homes, care for animals, protection of resources, adore green, adore life.
extra of a green, more of a health.
Life is a tree, green is the root.
protect the environment,Sometimes, love my home.
green is the color of life, crying the green life.
everyone has a responsibility to protect the green, every person has to enjoy the green rights.
tube shut, do not spit; tube stop, do not throw; take control of the foot, stepping into confusion.
than fresh, than the sunny, draw a better world; you heed, I participated in, landscaping depend on all campuses.
protect the environment, I start from.
environmental issues, relationship for all; environmental protection is everyone's responsibility.
Environmental Protection to begin from the doll.
embrace life and green human and ecological coexistence
grass to nap, do not agitate.
Protect plants and trees.
protection of the environment is everyone's responsibility.
I was Do not taint my clothes.
I clean the walls, do not give me feces and urine everywhere.
with my mm plants, homes will be more beautiful.
to their homes more beautiful, do not elect flowers.
ample mercy, thicker spring.
build environmental philosophy, to create green home.
Do not let the final drop of the earth as a tear.
the grass grow, we do no bother.
beautiful environment, we tin not do without the conservation.
you planted a tree I planted a tree, our common Earth Tianlv.
save a drop of water, the earth more beautiful.
attach to the environment, is the love life.
moment less garbage water, fish and more joyful moment. < br> take away waste and protect the natural environment.
school is my home, we rely on to protect the environment.
protect the environment, health, you and me.
Keep off the grass.
college namely my home, health by everyone.
protect the environment, I start from.
Do not put garbage thrown into Hanoi.
Do not pick flowers.
fewer dust, reproduce blue sky.
Let us sweat for to clean.
felling of trees, injury to others.
protection of water sources, leaving the pure.
factory a tree, for a gift apt the Earth.
let the bird has a blue sky.
do not litter.
to plants and animals live with us.
love nature, protect nature, to enjoy nature.
negligence while, the ache I,.
action, so that their homes more the United States.
beautiful environment for us to exist.
single tread softly, show some euthanasia.
make each drop of water have become clear and perspicuous, so that plants trees for each tree grow and flourish. to make the sky more blue, so that a more gifted flowers, so fresh air stay forever in human.
country's development, needs a better environment.
to protect the environment to chance conscious of our actions.
Please do not deforestation, so that small birds have a secure warm home.
afforestation, prevention of desertification in the city.
small a clot of phlegm, thousands and thousands of bacteria.
grass green, riding the heartless.
are open about, and then with hard. (water)
out your hand, extend my hand, so scraps of periodical away from our campus.
to dilute the golden century in the lovely green contains.
to open flower of civilization everywhere.
building a better home environment + = consciously obey by.
your good habits, is to create a beautiful environment guarantee.
by the air, was rain, please do not impair it .
Please provisions of batteries into the battery carton.
us and small trees to grow.
trees trees I love you, like mouse love the rice.
stick moth who refuse Do not let rubbish everywhere.
little more than waste peril, not merely wounding yet also hurt King.
under the same sky, sharing a better home.
turning waste into treasure, the Golden.
Garbage is also serviceable, please do not throw it.
nigh morsel by bit, to save and cherish our prevalent home.
I nay to bring it home, defending the surroundings you and me.
speak gently, wade light light, but also light up and down stairs.
rumpus, noise, resulting in tinnitus, eradicate ruckus, all peace of mind.
Please do not litter, spitting, so that our homes better.
too sky blue, also the grass green.
afforestation, for the benefit of future generations.
Do not throw melons shell.
protection of trees, so that the air detergent.
protection of the environment is more important than the meal.
clean farms , everyone merry.
I was Snow White, Cinderella, do not rotate me into.
to the care of our earth mom all healthy and beautiful.
also clean and brightly lit fish house.
good we need to build their homes.
adding to taking the wind, what do not take, in increase to footprints, do not quit everything.
beautiful campus environment, we need to build and create.

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