Friday, April 22, 2011

I tin jot a small fellow

I can write a small guy , and want him. Last night, a small group of groups to impair me , and again reduced me to tears the premier 2 times did not see ah small group of groups. hateful mini group of groups. Small group of adjoin groups so that I no longer small fellow, so to him no good. What does it average ah , as him no good , what am I ah , because him , I told him great harm to What ?
Oh , he does not then I was virtually Who the hell it! from act along the Xuexue from the play the melodrama ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
much favor that listened my mama, not the city of Dalian went apt Can not touch him, not to understand him , all this would have occurred had .
I afresh plunged into abyss, just before to crawl out from the abyss , to the end fell in, it The same period and the last out of the deep, deep , long, long period to ascend out , merely to bring an end to ... with large trouble , and why once again I stuck there? reside there to be afraid , Come Help Me ???
Qianqian I should have forgotten him , which we are all agreeable , right ! ! you and 19 will not depart me , and I do not meditation the small group of group of friends and I are always two of them an daytime Will go, I'm truly scared of losing your idea of who one namely not properly take it? truly macabre , really scary , particularly afraid of the day you go , I entirely broke down ~ ~ ~

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