Thursday, April 28, 2011

4 Ching Ming Festival on World No Tobacco Day

Today Han free apt take a see at family and overseas ,shanghai escort
days holiday, anniversary
1 月 1 eighth day of the twelfth lunar month lunar New Year's Day
first lunar month
Laba Festival Lunar New Year Spring Festival Lantern Festival
2 月 14 Valentine's Day
3 月 5 Sunday School from Lei Feng Day
3 月 8 International Women's Day
3 月 12 日 14 月 Chinese Arbor Day International Day
3 Police at
3 15 International Consumer Rights Day
3 月 21 issue of World Forest Day
3 月 22
3 World Water Day World Meteorological Day 月 23 月 31
3 Japan Security Education Day
4 月 1 日 日 Fool
4 月 5 月 7
4 Ching Ming Festival on World No Tobacco Day
4 World Earth Day 月 22 月 25 日
4 Children's Immunization Day
5 月 1 International Labour Day
5 月 4 日 China Youth
5 月 8 Day World Red Cross Day
5 月 12 Day International Nurses Day
5 14 Mother's Day
5 15 International Day of Families
5 月 17 World Telecommunication Day
5 月 19 on the day of the fifth day weakened at
5 月 31 Dragon Boat Festival Day World No Tobacco Day
6 月 1 Day International Children's Day
6 月 5 World Environmental Day
6 月 6 on the day of Sight Day
6 月 7 World Day against Desertification and Drought < br> 6 月 18 Father's Day
6 月 23 Day International Olympic Day
6 月 25 on the day of the land at
6 月 26 International Day against Drug Day
7 月 1 日 birthday celebration, Hong Kong Reunification Day
7 月 2 Day International Sports Press Day
7 月 7 日
7 annual of the Chinese People's War above World Population Day 月 11 月 1 日
8 Army
September 8 International Literacy Day
9 月 8 International Day of Solidarity of reporters 月 10 日
9 Chinese Teacher's Day
9 月 18 International Day of Peace
9 月 20 on the daytime of Love Teeth Day
9 月 25 Day World Maritime Day
9 月 26 International Day for the Deaf Festival
9 月 27 Day World Tourism Day
10 月 1 Day China National Day,prestigious,guangzhou massage, International Day
10 World Habitat Day on 3 May
10 月 5 Day International Day as Disaster Reduction
Lunar Mid-Autumn Festival
10 月 9 on World Post Day
10 月 14 on World Standards Day
10 15 International Day
10 月 16 blind on World Food port
10 月 18 on World Traditional Medicine Day
10 月 24 United Nations Day
10 月 25 日 flowering of human extinction by
Chung Yeung Festival Double Ninth lunar month,shenzhen escort, adore for the elderly at
10 月 31 Day World thrift Day
11 月 1 月 10 Halloween
11 on World Youth Day
11 月 11 appointment of the Scientific and Peace International Day < br> 11 月 17 Student Day International Day 月 25 日
11 Thanksgiving
12 月 1 World AIDS Day
12 月 5 Day International Volunteer Day
12 月 10 Day World Human Rights Day < br> 12 月 20 the day of reunification,escorts toronto, Macau
12 月 21 International Day Basketball Day
12 December 25 for Christmas

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