Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Germany - cornflower Canada - Maple

The world's most
the world's highest mountain. Feng Zhu Mu Lang peak height of 8848 meters the highest flying bird
. The maximum 8200 meters lofty mountain Red-billed Crow
....... the world's highest lively volcano Argentina, 5450 m above sea level Volcano Antoine Farah
tip the world's highest. elevations in West Greenland, about 914 meters, 168 meters of the total 1082 m
most active volcano.
several Ah-largest fountain in the volcano. Grand Fountain
largest glacier hills. Bering Glacier
the largest country in the lake.
Canada's most densely populated countries. Monaco
to the largest country in land utilization ...... . Denmark

of the first writing of style ----asked - --- Note Stories ----Preparation of full-Fang Zu --------------- br> Dictionaries ----Jijun Xiang Opera House on benefit of the : Vostok Antarctic areas (minimum temperature of a very Swiss -88.3 ℃)
wind up places: the coldest Antarctic
country: the Soviet Union in eastern Siberia, Village

rain of air quadrupole pole: Taiwan Liu hot fire pole: Turpan extremely dry box to
: If the edge of the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang extremely cold: Mohe County of Heilongjiang in northern town of Huma
China's first and second wharf
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Singapore
the most
world's largest gold coin: the smallest gold coin Mughal: Venice, the most expensive gold coin
: Golden Eagle gold coins most Chang expense of gold: Krugerrand

largest river within the Tarim (two thousand one hundred seventy-nine km)
longest pretended river in China (the world's longest waterway)
Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang) 11 hundred ninety-four km
world's oldest existing Codex Hammurabi Codex
the most

the largest bio- mammals: is the life of whales in the ocean when the basket, likewise called razorback. It can reach 35 meters in length and weighs 10 ∽ 15 million kilograms, virtually nine is the total heaviness of 25 elephants.
smallest mammal: is a mole weasel, only 4 cm long and weighs 2 grams, but the shortest pregnancy
Adams: Adams conceived the kangaroo is quite short, an mean of only 12-13 days. shortest even only 8 days, and its about the lives of fetal egg.
longest pregnancy period: the longest elephant pregnancy, normally 630 days, eggs noodles or even 760 days
degrees as the largest factory seeds: the flare in the Indian Ocean island of Maldives palm leaves, or fruit known for the Maldives, its fruit is a Twin Coconut long 50CM weight 25 kg, and each single core weight 4-6 kg, diameter 20-25CM.
oldest leaves: a category called tree diameter of 11.7 meters, 133 meters altitude, its roots can do a medium-sized stage.
> Plant Cedar ----- Owner of the first woman to the police to diplomatic ambassadors
----- Central Committee of China's first female
Kong Qingfang ----- China's first ocean-going vessels long
Kim Ah-mei -----
China's first female students of the first batch of female pilots Wu Xiumei ----- -----
Tian Guiying China's first female train driver
Liang Jun - ----- China's first female tractor driver
Liu Lan ----- China's first appropriate female chess grandmaster
Zheng Xiaoying ----- China's first female conductor of the opera
Lu Bridge - ---- China's first female designer stamp
Xugong ----- How China's first doctoral training Shun Qing Pu -----
a female dramatist of the first true ---
Xie --- China's first female movie adviser
Dracula hot wood ---- the first female referee
minority Miao Boying International Table Tennis ----- first feminine members of China
*** the world's most
the tallest mountain in the world in Asia, the Himalayas;
the world's longest mountain range is the Andes in South America;
world's highest mountain is Mount Everest Hi Maya, elevation 8848 meters;
world's highest volcano in South America, Youye subfamily volcano, elevation 6723 m;
the lowest in the world's land is in Asia where the Dead Sea, below sea level 392 m;
the world's oceans the deepest speck in the Pacific, the Mariana Trench, 11,034 meters deep;
the world's largest plain in South America, Brazil Plateau;
highest plateau in the world is China's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau;
world largest plain in South America, the Amazon plain;
the world's largest island is the North American Greenland;
the world's most
the world's largest in Asia, the Arabian Peninsula Peninsula;
world the largest desert in the Sahara Desert in Africa;
the world's longest canal is China's Grand Canal;
the world's largest lake is the time between Asia and Europe sea;
the smallest in the world Ocean is the Arctic Ocean;
the world's largest ocean in the Pacific;
the world's largest continent is Asia, the smallest continent is Oceania;
the largest country in the world, the Soviet Union;
world Asian countries with the largest island in Indonesia, the Peak, 8848 meters above sea level.
the lowest point of land in the Turpan Basin, Aydingkol Lake, elevation of -154 meters.
the Yangtze River in China's longest river, originates in Qinghai Province.
of river sediment largest river is the Yellow River, originates in Qinghai.
the highest plateau of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
Tarim Basin is China's largest land Zi.
China's largest desert, the Taklimakan Desert.
the largest island is the island of Taiwan.
is China's largest freshwater lake, Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province.
is China's largest salt water lake Qinghai Lake in Qinghai Province.
the largest plain of the Yangtze River Basin.
the longest known of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Grand Canal from Beijing, Hebei, Zhejiang, Hangzhou Datong County south to the women of the world's most

the world's richest woman is 1890-1948 Queen of the Netherlands and July 9, Orange --- Nassau's Wei Lianna princess, their wealth is estimated by 2,005,000 pounds.
the world's most stingy woman is wife of the U.S. Green light for her in a bank there is 3,140 million U.S. dollars. but she did not time to detect a free clinic for the management of her son, leading her son cut his thigh. In array to avert additional expenses, Ling eat her cereal. She skim milk in a debate when the quality of dying. when her attribute has increased to 9,500 million.
the cover of the world's highest paid female Long is an American Cherry. Ms. Teague, she makes use of photography for the cover was 2,000 U.S. dollars per day
best clothed woman in the world is Windsor Duchess (1896 born in the United States June 19) in the 1938-1953 years 15 years the world has been retained 『』 women wear the caption of the best. one after another after there Winston. Geest Mrs Paley Lady and Gloria. their first buy made aboard clothing (including leather goods and jewelry) to cost more than 50 million francs
the world's longest continuous swimming in New York City woman is Mattel. Hart Falls Dayton,toronto escort, she was swimming in the swim for 87 consecutive hours and 27 minutes, was established in 1931.
the world's longest indoor dancing .1955 woman who moved to Argentina in September Garrosh. Sand Lini, accompanied by the three partners in the dance chamber for up to 106 hours 5 minutes 10 seconds.
the world's most garrulous Alton woman is the United States. Clapp wife, she was in August 1958 for 96 hours straight speak 45 minutes 11 seconds.
the world's longest sprinting women heave bricks. the United States Cynthia. Mauresmo Marco, creating a brick wade 30.86 km give women the highest.
the world, I nectar the most extra women. Sweden Helga. Anderson (1908 students) since 1922 she sent a drink 22 liters a daytime, died a absolute of 389,and even then,225 liters of water
the world's longest-woman play the piano. UK Mary. Aston, a cinema in the United Kingdom 133 hours of consecutive activity the piano.
the world's largest palace. Sultanate of Brunei Brunei Sultan Palace
the salty lake. Georgia The Dead Sea (salinity 230-250%), many species can not grow
longest breach. Great Rift Valley (East branch) is about 6,000 km the longest mountain
. North and South America Cordillera state Mountains (Stretching 15,000 km)
the highest continent. Antarctica (average altitude 2350 meters)
lowest. Netherlands (the under sea level) (about 1 meter above sea level)
longest river. Nile ( Prince Creek is the source to Kage, more than 6600 km)
largest rivers flowing through the country ..... the Danube (the eight countries in Europe at 2850 km long)
largest freshwater lake. Lake Superior in North America (82400 km)
largest salt lake. ASEM) Caspian Sea (317,000 km)
deepest lake. sub) Lake Baikal (depth 1260 m)
longest moat. Eastern Pacific) Peru Chile trench (long 5900 km)
longest Strait. the Mozambique Channel (Africa) (1670 km)
widest waterfall. 莫西奥图尼亚 Falls (Africa, Victoria Falls, the afterward 1,800 meters wide)
gap largest waterfall. Angel Falls (drip 979 meters, South America)
maximum tenderness. Gulf Stream (the North American Southeast, the most length of 60-80 km, was 700 meters)
most long and narrow country. Chile < br> highest active volcano. 科托帕克希 volcano (589 m)
wind the most. Elie Land (Antarctica, anniversary average wind speed 19.4 meters per second)
rainfall the most. beg friends pluck Qi (Asia, 12,000 mm annual precipitation)
where the least rainfall. Atacama Desert (South America, often several years without rain)
chemical fibers is the most solid of the most
polyester (naturally chilly) is the most durable Nylon (nylon)
acrylic terror the most is the light Fast, the lightest is the heat of polypropylene
fear is the most important is the polyvinyl chloride fiber viscose (artificial wool)
This is where our country?
『insurance northern mountains, south plains』 controlled jewelry Beijing
』『 Frontier Yinchuan Basin

『』 『Land of Abundance Huguang cooked, the world is full』 Lake Plain
』『 eight hundred in the Weihe River Plain
played 『would be highly Ling, list of small hills above the five mountains』 『Mount
, show the first mountains』 heaven Aurora Emeishan < br> water 』『 Ching Lin, Yu-Sun community Bilian 『』 『Lijiang area of ​​karst topography
verdant Castle Silver Snake Dance
『 』Zayu area through early p.m., wearing a pelt overcoat yarn, Weizhehuolu dine watermelon』 Tarim Basin
fashionable bridle most 』『 geographical Found in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
is the largest provincial-level executive zone, an area of ​​1,670,000 square kilometers, accounting for about one-sixth of the total area.
China 2 / 3 located in the desert of Xinjiang. Taklimakan Desert is the largest desert area of ​​32 million square kilometers, equivalent to the area of ​​Japan.
Tarim Basin is the largest inland river in China, full-length 2179 km. Tarim distribution of the world's largest cross The Populus euphratica.
Tarim Basin is China's largest inland basin, can be made to accommodate four and a half of Fujian.
Bo Teng Lake is the largest inland freshwater lake in China, an area of ​​988 square kilometers, wealthy lake reeds. < br> Aydin Lake Turpan Basin is the lowest point of land, 154 meters below sea level.
has been proven in the beryllium minerals, muscovite, sodium nitrate, feldspar, clay, serpentine, reserves in the money country first.'s vision of coal reserves in the crown of the money the country.
Xinjiang Ah the Akzo salt roof County, an space of ​​16 square kilometers, is China's largest salt dome.
Xinjiang, the largest jade have been found, made of heavy ten thousand 7 hundred kilograms of art - ;
shortest Poems and Songs of Ancient
cut bamboo, made slingshot;-by shooting birds and beasts .------ This is the shortest poem in ancient China.
Xi Yi-man! sing this melody in the mountains, looking amenable to returning Yu .------ This is the shortest song in ancient China.
shortest novel (3 words)
Po of the United Kingdom Liverpool Luton ---- - ) a total of 22,872 volumes, is the world's earliest and largest encyclopedia.
br> Buddhist
White Horse Temple (Henan Luoyang)

of the earliest personal gardens in the Eastern Jin Dynasty 317 AD, Gu Pijiang's > training of the most ancient writing (documents)
intentions by the enemy does no wreck asset
trial Di nine ten lines of the premier entire the territory below the

the isle of Taiwan, an area of ​​35,775 square kilometers
greatest impact island. Chongming Island, Yangtze River Estuary, an area of ​​1083 square km
largest coral island. Paracel Islands in the Yongxing Island, the largest area of ​​1.85 square kilometers
volcanic island. Taiwan Southeast Portland Island (Red Head Island) 66.6 square kilometers
largest volcanic islands. Taihsi Penghu Islands 64 islands 126 square kilometers
focus of the island up to Stone Island. Spratly Islands South China Sea, the Swiss, twenty more than a hundred islands Ming reef, reefs. seventies Block Martinez, black sand
the most widely dispensed islands. Nansha Islands, South - North more than 500 sea miles, the East - West Island
delivery of more than 400 sea miles up the sea. the East China Sea, about China province of the country the largest island
. Zhejiang Province, about the highest in the country

of the pagoda .193 in the first spire was built in the town of Jiangsu Pi Xian Pi
the most ancient of ancient stone tower. Licheng, Shandong Province County, the foothills of the Four Gates Pagoda
Liu bucun first pagoda dragon.
the first Temple in Songshan Songyue octagonal brick tower. Henan board will enhance the web Tibetan Monastery Zen west tower
highest brick tower. Hebei scheduled within the county Kaiyuan Temple Pagoda, 84 meters 11 layers.
first wooden tower. Shanxi Buddhist Temple Temple should be the shire first unlocked Jiata
sulfur cup tower. Kaifeng,beijing massage, Henan Temple Temple
the floor out of the country more steel throne tower appearance .... really truly feel the Beijing West Temple (Wutasi)
first Muslim tower. Guangzhou pregnant Holy Mosques minaret
first La Mata. White Pagoda in Beijing's Miao Ying Temple < br> The youngest pagoda.'s tooth Beijing Xishan Linh Quang Pagoda

shrimp tray best in the world rice crust
the world's largest flying animals
Condor in South America to do the world's first body odor
1572 年
first paper currency. AD 960 the first year of the North Song Jianlong Sichuan r
most about notes. AD 1375, Ming Dynasty issued the money. AD 918 when the issue of the Five Dynasties ; Guangxu ingot > the first notes issued by the administration. AD 1023 issued by the Government of Song ; silver col volumes > The first currency information. Dongjin,
the Union; five hundred in Dianchi Lake, swiftly fundus, Pijin shore conical hat, happy to penetrate the extensive Kongkuo boundless, East Malaysia Xiang Horse, Zhu Ling Miriam West, North to work Wanting, Nanxiang Gao Su, an expert verse disabilities, why not win plebiscites board. meantime the crab Island Beaufort, comb mantled in fog on the wind coming from the DW; more beans Tianwei, dotted some Cuiyu Danxia. Mo ingratitude, boundless amplitude of fine dirt circled by fragrant rice, nine summer hibiscus, willow Miharu .
second line; few years behind, note to the center, brandy Ling Xu, who sighed coiling in like a hero, Han Xi House ship, standard steel posts Tang, Song Hui Yu ax, Yuan cross leather, feats Feng Gong utmost in reducing poverty . 珠帘 the architectures, the volume is less than Muyu Chaoyun, there can be kicked Canbei, must disburse with Cangyanluozhao, only to win: nine pestle sulfur minutes, half river fishing boat, two points Qiuyan, a pillow Tee Sang.
China The first Ministry of standard the smallest spider is the most
in Panama in 1984, base in tropical jungles, body length 0.8 mm.
smallest island is [micro] Bee Island, weight 2 grams, from sharp-tongued to the peak of the tail length of 5 cm. < br> smallest mammal is the Reuter Las times mole shrews, weighing 2 grams, 5 cm long are also found new [smallest mammal] of the boats in Thailand jungle rats, weight 2 grams long 3CM.
the world's most birthday antique dog, fish, fabric, Austria Brisbane, died aged 32, is equal to 224-year-old male living.
largest mammal breast a whale back 430 liters capability / day.
said most of the curious is the island of Hawaii Kawu A blind spider Yin.
the world's first e-novel
Burke. Campbell's Book Our Party's first woman minister
Christine - the first woman general Qiu Fen - the first woman redactor
Wei Yu - the first women doctors SOCIETY OF electronics - the first Chinese female flight Home
Yan Shanshan - the first film actress Shu needlework paper - the first female voice actors
Chen Meihong film - the first sub-Gu basket ball worldwide set - the first woman leader
New Year, the first pair of couplets
satisfied Yuqing Jia Changchun section digit (behind Shu Zhu Yu Xu)
first The Ming library
1561 Ningbo
letter written by Hammurabi of Babylon, fifty letters
history of Chinese painting slate of the most
earliest remains of the native painting. Xi'an half of the metropolis have left only the culture of pottery unearthed Yang
existing The most antique paintings. Warring States Period Andean Silk Zhang Heng
earliest lumber painting. Han Juyan wood painting painter. Later Tang Dynasty Five Dynasties and Ten States to seek his wife Ms. Li Tao Rong pier oldest people paintings
. Tianjin Yangliuqing start-up in the Ming Dynasty
of the best genre drawing scroll. Soong choose hides the > the first finger painter. Qing Gao Yang
painter the most expensive metal
Cf $ 1,000,000,000 / g
green grapes cultivation of the most
highest ideal is the most open
idea the most lovely in life is the most pleased temperament
most important entity is integrity and energy is the most invaluable is the will of the strongest
the most precious is the time to learn the most sacred
most glorious the labor
is the most beautiful neatness of psyche is the noblest of the most horrifying is pride
most detestable is the most odious hypocrisy
most disgraceful selfishness is a solace
stamp of the most < br> The world's largest seal; namely the Marshall Islands in 1979 issued ten thirty 1 hundred and sixty millimeters long, 1 hundred and ten millimeters wide, are affixed apt the envelope no fewer than the common.
world's smallest stamp; is West Brunswick 1957 issue, the general size of only 10t10 mm
the world's most important stamps; the northern chapter of South America, Costa Rica Shina Pakistani mountains
the world's first postage stamps; is the United Kingdom in May 1840 will be issued in denominations of taint and two pence stamps in dark and blue.
the world's most beauteous stamp; Polly Sydney Asia Islands International Year of the Child Air public stamp.
world's most priceless stamps; is a face amount of five of the stamps to a million dollars turnover.
the earliest literature of the most
The glossary is the Eastern Han Dynasty, Xu Shen, History is a novel: Lu Xun's br> China's earliest plays is the Swift tern
birds flying the highest. Swan
birds fly the farthest.
birds in the Arctic tern largest bird weight. Curley Bustard
longest wings of birds. A house birds
most savage birds.
colossal vultures most birds.
birds arrange eggs for at least a few benefits of the birds. albatross
loudest bird shrieks.
bell birds, the most beautiful wedding collection birds. Peacock

of the most novel of the earliest while the novel appeared in the Pre geographical masterpiece .
China's first novel is the Yuan and Ming Shinai vernacular as the Cai Dongfan longest historical novel written in the 1916-1926 years, magazine published the Writing and issued in br> China's first long lyrics are the Warring States Period Qu Yuan's more than the first.
poetry collection is the largest compilation Kangxi
subsistence of the earliest South, the largest is the Southern Poetry Anthology Xiao Tong (Zhao Ming Prince) compile the The first is the Southern Liang Zhongrong Poetry Review essays, Township
peony - Shandong Heze County town mustard - Sichuan Fuling County
ginseng town - the hometown of Jilin Fusong kumquat - Fujian Youxi
litchi town - County, township of the Woody Peacock - Ruili County in Yunnan Province
wolfberry town - County of Ningxia in the township of papaya - Dali County
carving town - Taiwan Miao referenda county pottery village - Yixing County
Miscellanies town - the hometown of Hebei Wuqiao Swimming - Guangdong East End county
football town - Volleyball town in Guangdong, China - Guangdong Taishan County
red dates - Shanxi Ji Hill County, the hometown of ginkgo - Flowers burst
Xing'an County, Guangxi town - the hometown of Hunan Liuyang County osmanthus - Xianning County, the symbolism of flowers

Ginkgo biloba - an ancient culture Peony - rich and prosperous
Orchid - Qingyuan conscientious olive branch - peace
Yellow Rose - Victory Bauhinia - Brothers live
Chun Vision - parents, health Acacia - Consumer rage
Hemerocallis - lotus ruddy beans - Acacia
willow leaves - reluctantly Pine - Great
mighty bamboo - Plum aboveboard open-minded - strong and mulish
Maple - revolutionary zeal Camellia - fighting bravely
Osmanthus - high Jing Su do not deem in - a complicated situation
Rose - First love often Chunhua - health and longevity
willow - do not talk Shandan conditions - tight
Evergreen - friendship forever mimosa - sense of disgrace < br> Kapok - Hero Pomegranate - offsprings Fanchang
Lotus - innocent daisy - magnificent
Rhododendron - nostalgic birthday grass - longevity
yao Peach - Ladies cycads - a serious
auspicious grass - Hongyuan Xiang Rui lily - solidarity
dedicated married pair - couple Enai Song Tree - honesty
Rose - love
Northeast Sambo; ginseng mink velvet
Jiangsu Sambo; Zhenjiang lotus, Suzhou, Nanjing Salted Duck vinegar
Anhui Sambo; Wuhu City, Mexico, micro-crab rice paper
Jing County, Zhejiang Sambo; ham Longquan Jian Long Jin tea
Jiangxi Sambo; million Fung orange Jingdezhen porcelain set fabric
Fujian Sambo; Xinghua longan amphioxus Fuzhou lacquer
Guizhou Sambo; generous lacquer Maotai Yuping Dizi and Xiao Yunnan
Sambo; Lijiang, Yunnan Baiyao
cruel nag Taiwan treasures; rice, tea, sugar cane character stones

agate; health and longevity amethyst stone: enjoy the pure love
diamonds: pure Moonstone: Well
Ruby: Sapphire good: honest
Jasper: clever onyx: husband and wife in China and U.S.
provincial flowers and flower
Beijing - Chrysanthemum, Rose Tianjin - rose, cyclamen
Shanghai - Carnation, Lily, Hebei, Hong Lu - Pacific bloom, mountain elm leaves, yellow Rosa
Inner Mongolia - Iris, Kim Laomei Heilongjiang - purple, rose
Jilin - kaffir lily, dahlia, Liaoning - Shandong days
female flower - Peony Zhejiang - orchids, magnolia
Fujian - Narcissus Jiangxi - - Azalea, Rhododendron
Jiangsu - peony, Viburnum of Guangxi - Golden Flower, Osmanthus
Guangdong - Lin silk Hunan - Hubei Lotus
- Plum Henan - December Gansu Peony
- - Coriander Lotus Qinghai - Meconopsis
Ningxia - wolfberry Xinjiang - Snow Lotus
Sichuan - orchids, water-British Chengdu Guizhou - pigeon
Yunnan - Yunnan camellias, rhododendrons evergreen Tibet - gentian, primrose
Shaanxi - Lily Anhui - Zi Wei, Huangshan Rhododendron
Taiwan - the island animal butterfly orchid
Monkey Island: South Bay Peninsula China Butterfly Island: China Taiwan Island, Bird Island
: Snake Island in Qinghai Lake in China: Bohai Bay China
Cat Island: Indian Ocean island Rat Island Fulie Stuttgart: Indonesia Islands
Crocodile Island: Island of Thailand southwest of the promontory Yan: the West Indian Ocean Seychelles
Turtle Island: South West Pacific, the Galapagos Islands
Guatemala - White Orchid Ireland - shamrock
Peru - Sunflower India - Poppies
Norway - heather Portugal - geese to red
United Kingdom - Red Rose Panama - Long Floral Orchid
Salva - Duo Silan Australia - View
Chi Hung Chin Ho - Lily of the Valley France - Germany Niao Last
Brazil - principally red and blue long song Costa Rica - Long Portland
Germany - cornflower Canada - Maple
Egypt - Head down the Lotus Greece - olive
Scotland - Lan thorn San Marino - 仙掌 to
Monaco - Carnation Mexico - Cactus
Bulgaria - Turkey Red Rose - Tulip
Japan - Sakura Switzerland - Edelweiss
Hungary - Tulip Malaysia - hibiscus
Netherlands - Tulip Philippines - Jasmine
Thailand - water lily Italy - Daisy
Spain - pomegranate Soviet Union - Tulip
United States - Tanzania hawthorn flowers - lilac
Nepal - Rhododendron Singapore - Man with a blue
Austria - Edelweiss Bangladesh - Water Lily
Belgium - Poppy Liberia - Shu-Qi Hu
Pakistan - Tai Hing
national bird
Netherlands - spoonbills Sweden - Crow
India - Blue ...

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