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cover all of the citizen economic from the super-national companies

Theory of the Firm and China's reform and
2008-10-09 16:14:49
Theory of the Firm and Chinese Reform
Zhou Qi Ren
Weekend October 9, 2008 Thursday
individuals from Zhou Qi Ren Website: reproduced please specify.
mm Coase then used his teacher used a vivid metaphor, like a real market economy, the sea is the sea of ​​those companies, large and small islands.
mm Deng Xiaoping reform policies the most extraordinary place,beijing escort, is in various fashions of economic organization developed behind the fire price reform in a timely style.
Speaking from Kos: The company is a market in the ocean island
thought the origin of a planned economic is theory of the fixed. Marxist discourse, the great house in a planned and unplanned entire society, it namely this conflict will shove the demise of capitalism. At namely time the view is speed up social pregnant forces, so the corporation will increasingly larger, until covering the whole economy, the internal plans of large companies intend to chance whole society. this view, the theory of planned economy, in truth, the premier is a theory about the company. Lenin put it extra clearly, the socialist presidency of the proletariat , is to always members of society have chance a national company employees, the whole economy is a super-national companies.
Coase Looking behind on his theory of the firm, clearly speaking, he was subjected to the impact of these motifs of Lenin, that countries can be watched as a huge company. Of lesson, Coase provides information on the company's economics. He first asked: In the the amount machinery to scamper company? Coase's reply was the cost of market amount machinery. The transaction costs. As the mart expands, transaction costs have to spend a lot of resources. In some cases, the cost machinery to use the then went to the market in the company organization. However, Coase can not come to the State Super company even now, because his thinking also take into account additional costs, that condensed within the company, the Company's costs (including decision-making, supervision, treatment costs) to rise.
complete look, Coase's theory of the firm is taking two costs: the company can retention the cost of market transactions, but must disburse the costs of organizing this, while the companies to save costs and thereby increasing the transaction costs of organizing are equal at the margin, when the boundaries of the company and the market to resolve. Coase with his instructor accustomed an picture of the year sameness, the real market economy like the sea, the ocean is those companies large and small islands. In Coase view, transaction costs and organizational costs in the coexistence of the real earth, the Ocean can not cover everything, let unattended cover all the isle Ocean.
reform starting point: the super-national companies dysfunctional
reform socialist countries, and opposed to the starting point of Coase. Coase contemporary economics from the reason the company exists. the former Soviet Union and China, reform, it is from the practice of the planned economy, that is, a super-state's reality. The super-national companies, all economic resources in their own hands, by the state machine political authority, coercive power, and a comprehensive plan to organize the national economy. Lenin came to power after a duration of and the market, but it was a very temporary. Stalin perfected the overall nationalization, the Soviet economy ahead the revolution, Lenin organized into the envisaged super-state companies by executive order organization within the planned economy, not to private property rights and free market activity illegal left status.
rotate to China in the more behind a peasant country to build socialism, the Soviet Union is a large framework. But Chairman Mao to the Soviet Union's extremely centralized and not many satisfaction, several tests of decentralization, the decentralization of the central to location. Looking back, it was merely in the central administration and the detachment of powers among regional governments, is a super-national companies and many local administration company. This of course can not constitute the basis of a market economy, because ; this issue, Chairman Mao, not to step. truly where the local administration to economy decision-making into personal hands, he have to stop the elderly, such as the 1962 installment of ; household responsibility system. is not as good as the internal class of the sometime Soviet Union as a . Over the annuals of socialist economic construction problems, is super-state in the company's costs are also tall, failure of the planned economy, efficiency of resource delivery is too low. millions of people to amend their lives in times of truce, involving many variables and the coordination of supply and demand? by the planned economy, a super company to deal with centralized decision-making, information costs are also lofty, and people provocation to work less than .1977 of labor reform in China in the eve of the State Council has opened a withdraw to reflect on why China and the important Western economies, the technology breach dragged big, over-centralized chief conclusion is that speed up centrally planned economy will not turn.
reforms launched: Decentralization and rural household responsibility system
problem is that after the establishment of super-national company, organization costs if it is base too high, what Which route to the cost of running the economy down, is naturally a mission of unprecedented. Coase's theory found that the market transaction costs are too high, you can distend the organization to be saved. but the social Reform of the difficulties faced by communism, entirely prof: State Super company too, the organization costs are too high, how can we dwindle it?
seems cozy to determine the intention, that is, cover all of the citizen economy from the super-national companies, turned to the ; market sea system, the market how the reconstruction of person history and experience and theory is not readily available.
Coase in 1959 in a periodical that clearly defines the rights of the key conditions for market transactions. This proposition contains a simple truth: If a thing is not me, then I put it where the right to sell you? Therefore, the transaction ought be defined as a requirement to the right. Since the market economy for the content of the transaction, then the premise is the clear market the right to define.
reform in China, in practice the right from the start to redefine. In the , that is how people can doing, not how the behavior of a system description. forced by the situation in the reform, the right to be re-defined, because of re-defining the rights,beijing escort, especially the re-recognition of private property rights and transfer rights, market narrations before re-up development in China.
1978 年 deployed the Third Plenum of the reform is to expand the autonomy of state-owned enterprises. It is based on the local reform experiments in Sichuan, the original organ controlled by the country's economic decision-making power, into the enterprise level. This is a response to external shocks because of foreign investment entered China, they can make decisions speedily, but not state-owned enterprises. What should be accepted, a large state-owned enterprises even build a toilet to be submitted for approval, the so-called notable fable, where a set of equipment is the Westernization Movement epoch, the energy consumption greatly, if varied, the driving force, two years of energy savings can retrieve their investments. But the report played for many years, or not approved. So was the slogan of the reform is decentralization, deregulation.
Interestingly, the expansion of enterprise autonomy, not in the global open, and the rural household responsibility system reform on the agenda. A few days before the memorial of 30 years at the rural reform , when the charge of the work of Du Ruizhi rural Guangdong told a splendid thing: the first power of rural reform, the peasants of the abdomen! is the harvesting of people starving, not hungry stomach, forcing out the household responsibility system. is not the first time, the household responsibility system is the first in Wenzhou Yongjia County, the second half of 1956, began to engage in high society; 40% in 1961, Anhui Province, the production team out of the household responsibility system. The problem is the situation before a turn for the better each time, temporary policy to recover the.
route of China: the bottom of innovation, the Government acknowledges
after scrupulous reconnaissance of rural reform in 1978, the same as in the quondam, farmers and production crew cadres beneath the first change spontaneously engage in household production. not the same place where? is the altitude line of a fundamental alteration in political ideology, the verdict celebration and work hard to make realistic, paperback adore, dogma and stiff. In this ideological line, some local defiance to reform the bottom of the first to acknowledge , at fewest not big stick, allowing to attempt, take a look. a number of places to see the achieve of the reform, the central policy document then, to acknowledge, the last legislation recognizes the complete legalization of the right to redefine the whole process.
this Article constantly reiterated old in his biographies that, as early as 1962 Deng Xiaoping said, restoration and evolution of agricultural production, to take what form; people willing to take what form it should take what form it illegal to make it lawful. become the dominant line on the Third Plenary Session. This changed the fate of China, because at the bottom, in the first line, there will forever extract a number of ways of solving practical problems, the problem is, they can not obtain admission. has been to redefine the right to have a system of results. get it? underlying experience or individual experience, at best an expedient amount, absolutely can not final long.
. ideas and notions have a mighty stubborn, not to mention contradictory interests of all parties, and each angle of approach is constantly the central conference another .1980 rural reform, party secretary because of the high officials as a difference of opinion was referred to the bad terms. test of truth is a process easier mentioned than done.
radical redefinition of rights can also be gradual. China's reform process generally come step by step. is this view, the ownership of rural land still belongs to the collective, it seems accurate the same a few decades antecedent. just change the ownership of the content is no more than the contract by contract, to agricultural land use rights, management rights, the right to return the contract period until the transfer of rights,Ben. Wallace Defenders, one by one are defined to the farmers. Agriculture collective ownership of land still, but in this heading to be a negate owner. in the production and economic activities, the affirmative is that farmers contractor.
have friends criticizing that the compact system is no complete, that still maintains a sense of collective ownership and, therefore, to grass-roots power of people leaving a violation of the interests of farmers root of the system. This commentary is justified. But whether this step had not take household liability system in rustic China do not go out. go first step, followed by further defined attribute rights onward the direction, the aggregate tin go aboard. such for the contract system, collective resources of a still mode of action, merely the contract farmers proceeds can be clearly legitimate personal property. This shows that is re-are likewise generally legal. This is someone as the refrain.
right to redefine the contract system is a Chinese form, but also super-state organizations from the high cost of the company came out of the predicament of a pragmatic channel. contracting business from the public, to comprise private property system, including the formation of a diversity of property rights system, and eventually take the market economy, China has laid the foundation of the road.
property rights are not using it, but to make use of them, primarily to protect the co-operation with others, formed through the interchange of specialization. Here there is a thing too much distress to brain is hired. With the end of the same big kettle of Agriculture, there have been large rural To exclude capitalist exploitation, when the policy, private workers over 7 employees the capitalist, that is, the exploiting class.
This is the household responsibility system, the reform of the second issue encountered. this object handled more successful, basic approach is to see at, do not rush to make determinations, but are not granted to stick to the trampled 1.
was caught a few cases. A Tony Chen, Guangdong Gaoyao County, contracting fish, there are more than three acres of water, relying on household labor and a few helpers insufficient, and hired more than 7 people. It is not that capitalism? a lot of people started to discuss, and afterward Hu Yaobang personally interrupt and queried to illuminate the situation, different views can be argued, but do not big stick, also resolved in the ,shanghai massage, the famous iron rice bowl. the competition for good workers. Tonnochy personally organized a examine of the position very cautiously and tangible: the number of people hired in the end, made a number of salary, pay no taxes to the state, the foreman how much total profit of all ascertain out , then the controversies must figure out different views, organize a matter reported to the Deng Xiaoping. I memorize returned by Deng Xiaoping's instructions, that is 5 words mm the last batch of capitalism, not only with a fussy arms, and often in front of a recognition of the private sector and there is no socialist real peril. This is a very momentous step in economic development. In fact, Deng Xiaoping returned to power shortly reactivated Rong, which is representative of the national bourgeoisie in the past, through state-funded Office of CITIC However, the management of full power to pinion boss. in fact the ability of state-owned chief with entrepreneurs mm which is something impossible to assume the past. In adding, the household responsibility system into place after the civil from the many new forms of business organization, Deng Xiaoping has been said look, do not move, such a policy orientation about two to three years to maintain the central 5 In 1986 announced the beginning of the document, you can put into the private sector to deal with the socialist framework. China's industrial and advertisement registration began the Some take the time to shed a cut card, that finally have a legal status. actually start a company, fried melon seeds, shoes like that. This is the second bound of China's reform, not only recognized the labor of personnel based on their own ability of property rights, but also in the framework of laws and policies, employee contracts, including contracts through the market to organize economic development of production.
breathtaking prices damage through the barrier
reform policies of Deng Xiaoping's the most amazing place, is in many forms of economic organization developed after the launch price reform in a timely manner. logic is this: when a super-national companies broken down into many separate companies, with the newly formed private company, the economy can no longer rely on plans and orders to command, to give full play to the market price mechanism of coordination functions. From the spring of 1988, Deng Xiaoping began to promote the price reform. China's price reform phoned the The gist and key. the elemental Soviet Union and Eastern countries such as Poland, the change to the price system to be a big problem. This is a big barrier,shanghai massage, there is no strong political support can not cross this off.
strongly promote the price reform of Deng Xiaoping. This is invaluable. Usually speaking, economists understand and deem that the price mechanism, on the whole easier. but the politicians in power, to believe that the price mechanism ordinarily more difficult. because so-called plans to see the hand, between inadvertently replaced. the price mechanism into activity, the acceptance of the hand, the hand of power not much use. Xiaoping served as General Secretary, directive over the mighty militia, clearly has strong visiblehand, should be the world's most powerful apparent hand. are like this great statesman and his colleagues to leftover no exertion to price advocate and enhance the reform is to reform the least probable places. no strong political support for price reform is difficult to succeed. However, to politicians in support of price reform, but also easier said than done?
, of course, the price of 1988 which pass through the wag of the launch, and did not succeed. Politburo that year on the price and remuneration reform, a issued decision, the country to buy and run occurred. The main lesson is that too many cases in the currency, liberalizing prices put the stealth inflation, inflation becomes dominant, the masses can not be approved. However, Deng Xiaoping has not put price reform as a limited area can not meet again. He waited patiently for several years, until the super-issued currency Shoulong was about time to push prices in 1992, he changed. big step forward in China's price reform was completed in 1993, even the most powerful food prices are liberalized. This is the establishment of China's socialist market economy, arranging a foundation.
broad point of view, the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, China's reform, by redefining right, stimulate the market contracts to create the market price-based coordination mechanism is so 3 points, the orthodox socialist super-state corporate model, radically changed. the reform process, not major shocks of social, economic movement and making of not only continuous, but also to retain a continuous high growth. It is through reform and opening up of China as a large developing country with global inspire.
bound by the rule of law back to talk about the power
Coase's theory of the firm . He left the starting point is that present-day fashion economics, the reduce transaction costs for the real economy was active in the world. Coase understood the company is through internal mandates, engage in plans and strategies, there are owners and directors, by the visible hand of the command, thus saving the transaction costs of market . However, Coase did not believe the company the bigger the better, because he also found that the big companies must face the rely on central planning command command, and that transaction costs are of course proficient to save all, but this see Coase's theory, is to uphold the constraints of cost, analyzing real-world markets, business and government. model those problems in a market economy, but faced with the trouble of planning mm internal information system of high cost, low motivation. Therefore, the reform of the tone is from the State Super company that is starting a planned economy towards more use of the market price mechanism. So that reform is not to go national companies, nor is the so-called absolute market.
the difficulty of reform in the bad? is to leave the perfect super-national companies that market and the poles in the medium there is a lot of apartment for plan selection system. Chinese companies from the super-state out, by the re-definition of rights. The problem is to redefine the rights of a process, which has a key, Deng Xiaoping put forward, but not resolved, this is the meaning of national executive power and restraint. because in the past super National company is Zhengqigeyi, political and economic consensus, decentralization reforms, the executive power and economic power to go down with the new problem is that delegating administration to fasten rely on? leave forcible binding, the executive power into the market that corruption is not a moral issue of individual officials, but the institutional problems. broad executive power to stir the market transactions, how to determine?
.1980 Deng Xiaoping has done a lot to explore about the party and the years to reform the state system , 1986, he was revisiting this topic, has made it quite clear that, first, that if I were you engage in political reform, economic reform achievements is the restrain of; second, if not to engage in political reform, economic reform is can not proceed. That is, the economic reforms launched after the political system must be launched in due course. factors of the reform is to super-state that chapter of the company's executive powers, bound together afresh In 1987 the CPC accepted a political system Thirteenth reform programme, but the price break through the barrier in 1988 failed, the ensuing uproar in Beijing, there is no chance of implementing the political reform agenda of 1992 and pushed the reforms Deng Xiaoping's Southern lecture, the main thing is to push economic reform, marketization and expedite development. So the political reform, Deng Xiaoping's unfinished prepared.
super-state company is not purely a business, it is also a power (power) system, not just the is not appropriate empirical framework with a contract to deal with it. Some economists accustomed to deal with the market of contract theory, principal-agent model of what local government competition, and so, I muse they may have missed a key limitation is not legally enforceable contract constraints. the reality of the central government departments alternatively local governments, nevertheless it seems like corporate behavior, but there is one factor, that, power factor, the legitimate coercive power factor, not the market contracts can be deal. such as income delivery, public attitude much. But the problem is not only is the inconsistency between income issues are more fundamental causes of income differences on what basis? Yao high income, is one thing, but the corruption of Wuhan Railway Station high-income landlords, is different material. scalping for the unlawful use of revenue from the power that is legitimate coercive power, not the market forces of championship can be restrained.
ability to make money. must be remove, this problem is not simply economic reforms can be solved, neither can these activities great success, with farmers contracting with private enterprises, with the reform of state-owned enterprises, but also have a price mechanism in the allocation of resources according to a market economy basis, these reforms greatly rescued productivity in China. But we also see that reform did not complete. The biggest challenge is Zhengqigeyi super-national companies, after the decentralization, property rights can be constrained by competition in the market to go, but unlocked the executive power but to rely on the rule of law may be valid only constraint. This is the more difficult reforms.
land, and price monopoly of state-owned enterprise reform is the trouble
there is a prescience that China's reform is progressive in terms of tactics, all butme scholars summed up the Russia's is not easy to be changed. The difficulty here is no longer understanding, or purely ideological, but very hard, it's vested interests. The current observation that any difficulties in the reform, are associated to this .
such as the reform of land property rights system, the first place, but today there are some crucial issues remain unresolved. agricultural land bottom along the agricultural system that is contracted to the home, long-term change, the implementation of the transfer of power, can basically encounter the productivity requirements. However, once agricultural land to non-agricultural uses, the land petition system in that country or the world shine. why the farmers of the land when converted to non-agricultural purposes, there must be national compulsory gain, and then to the land leased by the government to the market ? This is the most manifest instance of the executive power to enter the market. Now a lot of social conflicts have occurred in this area. Why is the rural collective construction land, the land can not directly enter the market? discussed for many years, the experience of local tests a lot, there are more underground, semi-underground practice, why is the long defer in completing the national legalization? In my opinion no other reason, that is, the benefits of power stirred the market is too high, no vested interest parties willing to give up.
farmers around the metropolis as city, urban land use, of course to mushroom, but the country as a share of the homestead benefits, farmers have no right to transfer and trade, would the allocation of land resources and, therefore, not subject to price guidelines. the result is not only China's quick urbanization no more intensive use of land, instead of an even more intensive land use. the one hand, urban land was placed on the one hand a large number of untouched rural land for construction. so the unavoidable result. Recently countries have begun to redefine property rights to promote forest is an important reform. like water rights, ore rights, and so re-defined, there are many articles do.
another example, there are private enterprises great development in recent years also adopted the win, it seems to become bigger and stronger so that only one thing.
whether price reform is not completed? much of the price decisive by the market is a fact, but some key price or executive pricing. exchange rates, amuse rates, vigor such as coal, oil electricity, where serious problems of the national economy in recent years, looks approximately with the price mechanism to play a character not narrated. Experience has shown that price controls will not only affect the configuration of the number of resources, but also affect the quality of merchandise and services. no further price reform, difficult to eliminate a lot of confusion.
In short, the great accomplishments of China's reform, the task is arduous. only seriously amount up their experience to better migrate amenable. real complex phenomena and problems, this simple theoretical framework for companies to borrow, to understand the past the face of the hereafter. above views for you criticism.
(The writer is a professor of Peking University's China Center for Economic Research, this is the daytime of the Economic Institute of the Guangdong Institute of Memorial Humanities seminar on 30 years of reform and opening comments , text revised by me)
from Zhou Qiren website: rebuilt please clarify.

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01. The early bird gets the worm, early insects dined at birds !
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Cape Town

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Land South Africa, an area of ​​over 1.22 million square kilometers in the number of species ranked third in the globe. South Africa the nation with large-scale ecological and environmental protection 422, with an area totaling over 67,000 square kilometers, in terms of quantity and proportion of total land,Also for of someone another, are highest in the earth. South Africa's ecological and environmental protection areas are mostly concentrated in the mounds of brutal animals and plants grass, the Gulf beaches, scenic attractions and cultural memorials, highlighted these areas of South Africans adore of nature and a strong sense of nature protection .
nature reserves in counting to a great area outdoor the major cities in South Africa also use some of the characteristics of its own geography and build a large number of different fashions of the Botanical Garden. which built magisterial chief Pretoria Botanical Garden has collected hundreds of thousands Africa and the recess of the world's vegetation specimens, the sheer number of alike botanical gardens to the highest in the southern hemisphere.
South African National Assembly News Center because Wu Ye Erwa told correspondents that more than 100 countries in environmental protection divisions, research institutions and some investigation and learn of multinational organizations to South Africa, South Africa's ecological and environmental protection are highly praised go.
Wu Ye Erwa said that South Africa has been accompanied by ecological and environmental protection and construction of the development, acceptance of the State Government in the project devise converge. she said, the Constitution of South Africa, ecological and environmental protection is a must to do all levels of government functions. In South Africa, in addition to the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Affairs, Water and Forestry, Mining and Energy Affairs and the Ministry of Health Environmental Protection Department also has oversight functions. these sectors in the development and implementation of national environmental criteria for coordinated action, joint supervision, environmental protection mechanisms for the formation of a firm.
Wu Ye Erwa said the South African government has always focused on training juvenile people environmental awareness. Government's a invaluable social atmosphere.
South Africa, Cape Town, two outstanding tourist attractions the metropolis beach and Seal Island penguins formation of environmental action with the local folk are inseparable.
the eastern coast of Cape Town, Simon's Town,beijing massage, the native Penguin Beach as one mediocre small bay .1982, the 2 African penguins came here and settled down, the local dwellers to protect their own initiative to preoccupy more penguins to come. With the boost in the number penguin, government and animal protection organizations This turned into nature keeps. After 20 years of breeding, the digit of penguin penguin coast has immediately over 3000,shanghai escort, will convert a national tourists to the land. Seal Island, Cape Town, Hout Bay was originally a rocky island. in the quondam Fishermen often ascertain seals basking on the rocks aboard the isle, feeding on small fish caught throwing them. where seals therefore increasing in digit, are now tens of thousands.
Wu Ye Erwa said the South African government In the natural context to create a nice and also attaches magnificent magnitude to reduce environmental pollution. For instance, in array to assure the secure use of pesticides and decrease abuse to the surroundings, South Africa namely disallowed to use whichever possible pollution of the environment and impair people and animal health pesticides. in charge of farming and health sectors United also provides: Where the allocation of assorted pesticides in the servant market in South Africa must have two product appraisal issued along the department.
In addition,shanghai massage, South Africa, waste recovery and utilization is an essential portion of environmental protection. South Africa's waste periodical recycling accounting for 37% of domestic periodical making,shanghai escort, the recovery rate of waste plastic products 17%, higher than the United States and some European countries. (reporter Li Jianmin)
Source: Internet

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This confidence trick
See is over it?
since early March in global equity markets rebound after bottoming out. As of mid-April,beijing massage, the world's important stock markets reported a 20% gain. in the hardest kick by the financial crisis, U.S. banks reported good results Annual Report. President Obama talked about seeing a shimmer of hope. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke also think the economy of the initial signs of recovery. Japan has just announced a new economic stimulus package. market prophesy, China will be announced The second round of economic stimulus package. suddenly appeared on the market The next sequence of new problems will market fell anew. banking initial public attempting (IPO) will be devoured emerging markets. peruse more investors will use their own real money, for these banks and companies undergoing warm clothes weaving.
In fact, the placement may have been filled with the tide, bear market rally may be concluded within a month or two. good newspaper for the economic stimulation of the data migrate, and a bear market rally may be staged this fall. until proven unsustainable economic recovery, the second economic recession, or inflation expansion of the pressure forcing the central bank and monetary constricting despite the weak economy, the rally will end. asset prices in the second half of 2010 fell to the bottom end. then, the market will see a fiscal stimulus, whether from depletion, the central bank can no longer printing money, the abuse.
bear market rally is not sustainable
in early 2009, I expect a rebound will occur two to three dwelling. Now, I modified my views, I think, will emerge twice a rebound in 2009. Now, We are experiencing the first skip, securities nestle and IPO will end this rally. turn a good macro-economic data will promote a new round in the third quarter rally. In a formerly promulgated treatise, I predict the economy will be a second in 2010 recessions.
since the summer of 2007 subprime mortgage crisis, terror dominated the financial markets. previous market rally are short-term weakness, just a prefix to the afterward crash. Over the past five weeks of increases, is as yet the longest bear market rebound. It lasts longer, the market surmise the more panic. I can feel the pessimism to see more investors.
few days ago, the U.S. TV outlet CNBC in an interview, a man with a ; tide of financial crisis thumping . Goldman Sachs pioneered the publication of operating in nice condition, they also need to raise funds to compensate the government? in emerging markets, IPO suspension will comeback later two years.
For investors, they absence to think is that these companies need financing reasons. in the foreseeable hereafter, muscular growth in the universal economy is unlikely that companies do not need capital to amplify, the most presumable respond is to arrange for the future of bitterness. I think that these positive comments made in public affair is not optimistic about the hereafter, equitable want to optimism in the market when the chance is still misappropriating. fashionable financing needs will eventually overwhelm the market.
bull market conditions are: the market has been down or no; the global economy is retrieval or will revive; if the economy is still complicated, the Government will accept more economic stimulus measures. there is a bear market conditions: the level of debt was still high debt levels the global economy can not reproduce the case of non-normalized growth; the global economy is still dwindling, despite the likelihood of a inferior extent; the Government's incentive archive can not start a new round of economic growth cycle.
bearish camp, I stood alongside. This is a once in a centenary economic emergency, only 20 can be compared Century 30's back to the standard 20 annuals ago; Second, fabrication exporters, such for China, Germany, Japan, must be significantly disabled its production-oriented functions.
debt crisis is far from over. Despite all the speak about as in the quondam to the market to lend money, but they can rotate to the Fed and the U.S. government. In the United States reduce the leverage of financial traditions have not yet the case,shanghai escort, how can we say that the crisis is over it?
debt disadvantageous consequences occasioned at the bubble burst only just appeared. As of the end of 2008, U.S. family web asset has shrunk from a peak in 2007 of 20%, fell to 13 trillion. U.S. real estate prices are still down. U.S. housing prices are threaten to fall further to 5 trillion or more. On the other hand, U.S. family debt levels did not decline, the end of 2008 is 13.8 trillion greenbacks. This is the 30 years since the 20th century, the U.S. household debt for the first time higher than the real estate market. Clearly, depending on Housing time real estate to consumer loans gone.
revenue perspective is highly frosty. Global demand for aid from some of the credit bubble has been obliterated out, Europe, Japan and the U.S. unemployment rate is rising quickly. With the unemployment groups to dwindle consumer costing,huge midday, the multiplier effect to promote a further addition in unemployment, a vicious wheel has by far bottomed out. the ever-increasing shock of unemployment on claim will proceed to 2010.
Do not hope a lot of new bubble
those who see multi-market, in the hope that the emergence of a new bubble. They think that if people are optimistic the market will worth their money, rising asset prices will support additional demand, the company proceeds will enhance, so will the bull market into the future true. In fact,shanghai escort, addition on a new round of bubble populations in the world today is very common, and even policy makers privately hope that the emergence of new bubbles. crisis destroyed the people's morale. They still miss the good old days. Deliberation of, discernment, Atsuyuki the normal. When the bubble burst the anguish became unbearable, these people will be on the good times past hallucination. their collective behavior will lead the market rebound, as if the bubble once more. However, a bubble burst, no longer can not recover as ever.
governments and central banks tried to discourage asset prices. Now, hopes are pinned on the government's rescue operations. However, the interest rate is near to naught, the budget shortage is also high. When a sudden rise of inflation, the Government will lose aid. In the last wish is lost, asset prices will bottom actually expected this scene will happen in 2010.
Some people will argue: Why can not we blow the old foam or re-create new bubbles do ? The problem is, a continuation of several years after the bubble burst, it left garbage everywhere, so the lack of new bubbles foothold. For example, the current high level of debt can not rise further; If the debt can not increase the level of the bubble can never expand. to improve the current situation will take time, if you await for a new round of the bubble, I am terrified it will be a long wait.
collective human idea vulnerable to mood alterations. If people believe what they are familiar, folk will lightly believe. animal world there are similar Crocodile at the same time can only eat an animal, so that the outlay of a partner's life to ensure the other secure. It appears that herd behavior is causativeable rejoinder to normal course of peril.
I namely the efficacy of the human genome in like of the group apt cross the rill with the herd of collective action namely the same. Despite the mutation of the mental cortex makes logical human creatures tin think, yet instinctively did not lose, but hiding very deep, whether circumstances allow, apt jump out to dominate. This is despite the many times in human history has a lesson of blood, but still seen above the reasons because the bubble.
savage animals crossroads the advantages of the collective is real, and if they cross the river lonely, will be left to crocodile hounding them more time. If they want to play there are a lot of advantages to cross the river, we need a leader who launched the run and the first leader who rupture into the river distant the probability of being dined much higher than other animals. irrational behavior is really for the benefit of the individual interests of the community.
in economic life, and some bubble is surely conducive to economic evolution. For example, IT bubble created by the global science and technology has also benefited, nevertheless the the original investors may lose money. those who believe that investment in IT field can be compared to wealthy people in the herd leader who does not consciously in the public interest at the expense of their own.
technological ingredients steer most of the bubble have similar characteristics,shanghai massage, to benefit the world but not for investors. Schumpeter (Joseph Schumpeter) of the , so the governments and central banks for their very generous.
over time, on altitude of the fruitful assets, president of a colossal bubble, it will have destructive results. global real estate bubble belong to this species, the leverage effect of derivatives has created unprecedented boom in the real estate market. nonproductive bubble built on top of the high debt levels, or lead to large-scale bank failures (as the U.S. century, 30 years), or will lead to hyperinflation (as Germany century, 20 years) or a huge government debt (as Century 90's Japan). from a debt bubble product to recover the abuse caused by the need for a long time. < br> Although the pain of the bursting bubble, but it is not so desperate. This is for, although the companies faced bankruptcy and household, but the government's stimulus policies to make them live peacefully in general. the 1 hand, fiscal policy and monetary policy to do The best to support, on the other hand are words to soothe investors, increase investor confidence, hope to turn to the asset market, cattle, drive economic growth. Currently, oral provocation of these policies are going.
sample, the U.S. administration is to carry out accentuate tests on the U.S. banking manufacture, aimed at the banking industry can withstand mall estimated evolution. I believe that most banks execute well via this test, although, it is only self-deception . In truth, the U.S. fiscal system is bankrupt from a technical point of outlook. A strength of the banking system, reflecting its services, the strength of the economic system. We take a see at the balance sheet of American families, we can entirely comprehend that in so many Customer circumstance of insolvency, the banking industry on how to survive?
these Real estate amounts are falling, the unemployment rate continues to ascend. When inflation suddenly looked up, it will shut the government salvage arrange final door. At that time, despite the penniless economic location, the central bank had to heave interest rates, asset costs will the real base end.
can solace people artificial hope, but delay the needful reforms, can only make the situation got so bad. When the government tried to recover past payments play a lot of good times, they find that they absence financial resources to alleviate the present the pain of structural reform. the entire world like a destitute drug addicts, and often advance the social welfare checks to satisfy their obsession. When the retard spend tired and had to completely cede the old habits.
Xie Sohu blog
of the

Thursday, May 5, 2011

in the final 2 minutes ahead a victor

Yesterday we won a long lack in the home victory in the season ,April 19, we played two teaching with the Beijing games, we do not fear every other psychologically , among the two groups has always been our antagonist namely , who played the agreeable One who will win , though we are ranked final ,beijing escort, merely we must melodrama to our class, apt the effect of their own , right from the fans , the game play namely very hard,shanghai massage, in the final two minutes ahead a victor , though not themselves Play, but my heart is still quite exciting ha ha , elated ,shanghai escort, ah, we have to activity well the final few games , apt achieve the job and try to win , Shaanxi and Shandong,beijing massage, and paint a full stop !

why it forever brings cries

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only a few days of sailing the sea breeze brought a lot of crying has made me antique
I do not want to depart the deck, I do not want to nap
Once the center has to do calculations

I landed I would not want to see the sea life
air ah, why it forever brings cries?
love cry, cry married, raw
babies call cerebral approximately your future pleasure, I always cry but my tears

always be the sea breeze beat dry before pouring
Chung crying no tears, so I a repulsive old wind

malignant hateful sea

Fifth letter:

Fourth letter:

< / p>

Sea in December is always furious
with shame and remorse I suffer, accompanied at the smell

not calm rock in the end is come family I do not understand or
away from home!
evening, has entered the Sea of ​​Japan during the day and I have a splitting headache

hateful fog
stop my line of sight because a whole daytime and immediately the stars
really beautiful
Remember you are the tall school when a grade girls to dare to dining dog
month to challenge the rural legends
astronomical theory of the lunar shadow I do?
dare you apt say a methodology is not fearful
you know thatthe stars we now see hundreds of millions of light years away since
fired up over?
wow, the light emitted hundreds of millions of light years we are only looking

hundreds of millions of light annuals to the island of Taiwan and the Japanese island of
what it is?
same mountains, the sea or the sea of ​​people

was lacking I would like extra Kanji Yan Star
fickle in this human earth where everything I'd like to penetrate the eternal

met to go to Taiwan to shirk the winter I put on gray mullet
you parked in one of Acacia Fisherman
only hope your dad tin capture
Tomoko, notwithstanding the smell of his bitterness
you may have a savor you will know ...

I'm not abandoning you, I could not bear you
sleeping in my deck all whispered over and over repeatedly I'm not abandon you
,shanghai escort, I could not bear you

MSN Spaces absolute migrate to Sina blog,beijing massage!

the sixth seal:

sea temperature of 16 degrees
wind speed 12 ties, depth of 97 meters
have seen several birds
expected tomorrow night we will be landing before
Tomoko ...
I put my scrapbook in Taiwan, you are left to deposit them in your mama
But there

I stole 1 of them is that you activity in the water at the waterfront and sea picture goes
no wind nor rain
photo of you, smiling like heaven < br> No matter what your future will belong to no one nice ample for you who

thought that my memories can be properly packaged
but in the end base that I could carry away, merely vacancy I actually
miss you!
ah, rainbow!
hope this is enough to across the rainbow ends
sea link me and you

second letter:
< br> Day
how to restrain myself not to think of you
you grow up in South Fangyan Yang
students from falling snow, I was intersection over seas northwardly
our teacher is so Why it is so assorted
the love
I miss ... I miss the peppery sun ...
worse than I remember you getting crazy is the access the red ants
I know I ought not laugh by you
But you look really treading on the red ants like stepping on a U.S.
fantasy dance
anger, intense and with a frivolous jokes ...
Tomoko,beijing escort, I just was in love with you ...
more hope this time I had tempest
to drown in the waters among Taiwan and Japan
so I do not must be responsible for my weakness

dawn, but the relationship between the sun anyhow
always send the pre-dawn fog

a trance I saw the future of your gold namely gone the future me
Fat bald eyes like the morning mist hanging
snow covering my forehead wrinkles
sun, such as flames, scalding dry your hair dark
heat your last point my mind completely withered
Tomoko ...
Please forgive me for this body of unwanted body

The first letter:

December 25, 1945
Tomoko, the sun is completely not into the sea
I really could not see the island has been a
you still standing there waiting for me?
please forgive me this cowardly man
never dared acknowledge the two of us love
I even have forgotten how I lost
hair that is not in agreement with regulations on
and making me angry girl
you are headstrong unreasonable, love playing it is so fashionable
I could not bear the trample aboard you but it really
You graduated
easily defeated
we have defeated the human I am elated of the nobility
prisoners degenerated into ideological moment I'm just a poor teacher

why a country to bear the destiny of the times is the sin
the sins of the times I'm equitable a needy teacher

I love you,shanghai massage, but must give up your

Article Sealing:

Tomoko, I have 7 days of sailing safely landed

I eventually stepped on my land behind the war
broken but I began to miss the ocean marine
Why always on
the two extremes of wish and extinction
This is my last letter
will be mailed the letter I will not stomach
this ocean of love
Acacia at fewest accommodate it!
Tomoko, my Acacia
you must receive so that you will forgive me a tiny bit
I think I will put you in my heart always even now
get married, have kid
important rotating point in life will emerge ...

carrying ponderous luggage you
in the repatriation of the crowd scampering away from home, you stand lonely you dress
Top ...
television drama of money saved for a long time before pearly knotted hat
bought so that I can to detect you in the throng now!
I saw ... I saw ...
you quiet
stood stationary as the July sun
you I did not dare see at you more so you stand noiselessly

I deliberately chilly heart, but suddenly lit
I am sorrowful, and dare not let repent revealing
my heart whispered, his mouth was silent
I know, considering it would be as vulgar words

the shadow of the sun to run him chase me ... I emulated him to escape ...
I'll pretend I
pretend you forgot you my quondam, you will
like migratory birds migrate from the memories via the winter
masquerade that you must meet Spring
I will pretend ...
thinks everything has to do!
then ...
I wish you all the happiness forever!

lukewarm you

Protection of ecology , protection of wild animals is the perpetual theme of public welfare . look by those cute animals and the penniless , what can we do ?
California Coastal Clean Up Day , do not let us garbage the seashore of the sea beasts If they nay to chance like beasts ,beijing massage, our seashore will convert what it ?
lukewarm you, annihilate them! you really have the heart to hang them up in your closet ?
If One daytime, while they are apparent with bar code,beijing massage, into commodities ,shanghai massage, that the earth will look like then ?
puzzles and a few less , when the mystery becomes empty, folk will play the puzzle to the demise of the moment,yet plans Well reserve up with changes!
do not regard them for timber felled ,shenzhen escort!
cry because : the protection of wild animals, from ourselves, from begin to do their own thing within its power .

the end of 1998 the EU banned the use in feed zinc bacitracin

I. Project Overview
Project Name: Integrated Development Project
insect eggs Project Content:
1, annual output of 20,000 tons fly larvae feed production lines,beijing escort,
2, million special poultry breeding base construction; < br> 3, special security processing base
egg size of the project: The project covers 50 acres, 2.447 million yuan investment in the project chart.
start-up capital: 100 million yuan and annual profit of 10 million yuan.
project construction Unit: Zhengzhou Jin Rongsheng material Technology Co., Ltd.
project forms of cooperation: Joint attempt
Second, the project's background:
First, the development of safe animal husbandry, to assure people's health needs: With China increased intensification of animal husbandry and feed industry, antibiotics, chemical artificial drugs and liquor classes side hormones already widely accustomed feed additive. These materials cause residues in livestock products, to bring serious injury to human health. Belgium,shanghai massage, France Germany, the Netherlands and other countries had dioxin contaminated feed, resulting in dioxin residues in animal products has far exceeded its part; the British crazy cow disease caused by fear of deficit in the globe, the end of 1998 the EU banned the use in feed zinc bacitracin, Tellabs 4 kinds of antibiotics and other antimicrobial feed, production the world a extra alert use of Antibiotics. EU exports of animal products for residues and safety of the drug production system a higher, more characteristic requirements, which directly affect the animal products to the EU the export market. followed, Russia, Japan,1010 World Mental Health Day room, the backup of animal products in China market countries have followed suit, so that our recent unexpected ebb in the export of animal products, virtually naught, which has caused the Chinese government attaches large importance to exotic commerce and export sectors . Today, the threat of bird flu is a universal problem, stretch the global bird flu has caused the global economy more than 30 billion dollars in economic losses. the implementation of animal welfare and safety of animal products, aquaculture production has become a international production of animal food The theme is the animal food production is facing a serious problem.
second is to meet the needs of the consumer demand for high quality of life: With the continuous improvement of living standards, people demand more and more food quality high. In hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes and other rich man's disease incidence increased year by year today, the high-fat, high vigor, high cholesterol food more and more lose their gloss, as the main human dietary source of protein in the eggs, whether we can dilute the fat, cholesterol levels, would be a significant entity.
Third, to meet the WTO challenges. the development of green animal husbandry, cultivate egg quality, amplify market competitiveness, cultivate our overall quality of livestock, which comprised international tournament, the unavoidable choice.
Fourth, the development of efficient livestock and increase their income needs: the recent elapse, the market respective extra eggs, egg prices, chicken benefits fell, there has been increasing output without increasing the location of farmers, We have to face this reality and actively use high-tech manner to become the orthodox production methods, increase the technological content of products, higher value added products and expand the profitability of space for farmers to broaden the field of rural households income for the realization of farmer income, establish the conditions. < br> Five is to achieve structural adjustment of farming, development of animal husbandry industry needs: a colossal buyer market of poultry eggs, poultry farmers income has become a major source of income to achieve egg industry, the city's rustic economic development will naturally bring new vitality. Henan Province, Zhengzhou City, Jin Rongsheng material Technology Co., Ltd. As the first worm eggs, the development of enterprises, to promote the process of agricultural industrialization, we consciously take liability, later several years of dispute, we created the growth of the leading ( enterprise itself) to pedal its body (each household), straighten out the tail (the development of safe eggs listed) the development of ideas, via the base + households in the course, fabricate a plan for long-based economy. insect egg development market, will for the implementation of insect eggs and special breeding industry works arrange the basis for the industrialization of the country the development of specialty eggs, and make new contributions. animal husbandry and the rapid development of aquaculture has brought a large demand for feed safety.
Currently, the safety of feed production in the country can be mentioned alternatively empty, despite the home field of the national feed, everywhere, can feed on the market are by inches safe food production needs. taking into account the upon factors, there is a need for a large-scale scientific and scientific content feed processing companies with high security.
Third, market analysis
With the perennial improvement of alive standards, people on food quality and safety have become increasingly claiming. On the one hand: high fat, high-energy occasioned along the wealthy man's disease (hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, etc.) increased year at year, and high incidence of pill remnants, high-incurable diseases occasioned by polluted food increased; on the other hand: the main people dietary source of animal protein production, misuse of antibiotics, hormones the extensive, solemn shock on the quality of livestock products and safety, and consequently to human health. appears premature kid, girls long beards and women infertile and so on.
Zhengzhou, Henan Province Jin Rongsheng attribute Technology Co., Ltd. In order to ensure the food safety of poultry eggs to increase their nutritional worth, nutrition and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dr. After almost three years of trial and error, the successful development of safe feed, worm eggs.
insect eggs is portrayed by a pollution-free , no hormones, no antibiotics, low cholesterol, rich in amino acids, vitamins, minerals and track ingredients. the advent of rind color pure egg, egg yolk, orange show, thick egg pearly, cooking, natural savor of pure aroma, no flavor. no pollution,shanghai massage, no hormones, no antibiotics, nutrition, comprehensive, and good for the healthy growth of children. low cholesterol, middle-aged obesity, hypertension and vascular disease tendencies insistent to be safe to eat.
since the presentation of the safety of Since the conception of food, feed, farm house professional security and the country is still a blank in Henan. At present, the production of safe food has caused the world of human care. safe feed, secure sustainable economic development of eggs is the main content safe food new concept of sustainable economic development will replace the notion of one-sided pursuance of economic efficiency.
Vice Premier Wen Jiabao in Animal Development Forum, made it explicit that China will all carry out a comprehensive livestock development of green security decision-making, animal husbandry economy mighty sustainable development of the green economy road safety livestock, livestock production involves the safety of thousands of households, the relationship between human life and health.
In order to promote the development of green safe livestock industry, livestock projects to promote the development of green safe speed I flat jungle animal husbandry and fishery in China Economic Association, Academy of Social Sciences, the Ministry of Agriculture of China Green Food Development Center, China Green Food Association, the China Agricultural University, with patronize of the eggs for the full implementation of the comprehensive development of the special security projects, converge ashore improving the level of feeding and management of local scatter, so that large areas of the feed safety to promote the use, production and not pollution, no hormones, no antibiotics, nourishment, comprehensive, and agreeable for the healthy growth of babies. low cholesterol, middle-aged obesity, tall blood oppression ailment patients and determined to be safe to eat, people who tend to the safety of egg products is particularly urgent. Meanwhile, the development of quick trace of the bugs for the country fowl, pheasant, peacock eggs, beef, breeding and quality correction, developing feed for the safety of backyard household the market prospects are even brighter.
of project construction content
1, the project site (slightly)
2, the main construction contents feed farm covers 20 acres and a building area of ​​500 square meters, the planned annual feed, 50,000 tons of ecological safety of production, including construction of 300 square meters of production workshop, 150 square meters of storage space, 50 square meters of ancillary facilities, the buy of an annual output of 50,000 tons of feed, equipment and other ancillary equipment and facilities. The project work Dingyuan 30. special poultry farm of 10 acres total area, need to establish simple farm shed 200 square meters, the introduction of insect 2,000 chickens, peacocks 500 groups, 200 groups of pheasants. special security area of ​​egg processing base, the construction site premises to be 200 square meters.
3, process and environmental
the project development model: to subserve aquaculture r r r feed processing
egg r the cardinal flow blueprint of the project are as usual: raw materials, neat r mingle elements r r r r granulation cooling storage
r r packaging requirements of environmental conservation in consensus with citizen industry for the production process of the dust, noise pollution, will use practical processes and tools to ensure that dust, rumpus cutback, meet environmental standards.
V. Investment Appraisal and Financing
the 1st phase of the project, 1,000 kg of fresh maggots Nissan ecological lines, about 10 million investment, million special poultry (chicken insects) breeding base construction require a total investment of 347,000 yuan: Land, 5 million housing investment market, introduced insects 2,000 chickens, peacocks 500 team; pheasant combined total of 200 groups of 147,000 yuan money, 20 million of liquidity.
the second period of the project annual output of 20,000 tons of green safe feed production lines pollution aggregate investment 1.7 million yuan: space (to rent) 20 million investment in civil engineering; 50 million investment in equipment (including the production line and laboratory); going chief 100 million.
The third phase of the project special eco-egg processing base: 5 million investment in equipment housing market. 30 million of liquidity. investment designed a total investment of 2.447 million yuan. 50-100 million start-up capital only, but too to achieve the lusted economic benefits.
commerce operations and economic thinking in the shortest period likely to effect greater economic efficiency, the company adopted a membership group, low-cost expansion of the operation mode, with minimal investment for maximum economic benefits to the peacock, for example, for the variety of price is tentatively scheduled for 2000 yuan / group. Peacock 2000 group by calculating years of development, with an income of 7.4 million yuan in profit.
with special poultry breeding industry for the development of secure fared Special care industry is one essential portion of the present regular cost of concentrates 2700 yuan / ton. The project namely the creation price per element of approximately 2,500. mart reference price of 3,100 yuan / ton, according to project an annual output of 2 million tons, production After estimating the economy benefits are as with: The annual bargains proceeds of 62 million yuan, the cost of about 5,000 million after-tax profit of 1200 million. eggs processing bottom, excluding benefits.
VII Conclusion
implementation of this project not only send considerable economic benefits, yet a great number of the zone to aid digest food and additional agricultural products accumulation, guiding peasants to scientific harvesting,beijing escort, driving farmers income, agricultural efficiency, pile up the correction of agricultural structure, with a wide range of social benefits. The project in line with citizen industrial policy, implementation of the project ambition promote the development of China's aquaculture industry. In synopsis, this project is feasible.
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Transfers for life, like rent dishes; saw enough phantasmal, martial craft history, favor a alteration in savor; no comment penetrate a tray, cover name published film shows the starting of this land of lakes and mountains, vast land, endless, because it is winter, mountains and trees are snow, vast vast; then the blue lake, silence, fascinating, far and peaceable. predatory black bear in the creek; the sky signs of the birds; one antique man rowing a canoe,shanghai massage,2007-12-17 | Pa, waves in the lake which, he Norman is the film's hero, his identity, is thafter all a hunter!
not lusty clash above the screen, there is no legend in the mawkish entanglements, and some fair plain and real life: hounding and survival.'s maximum thrilling the scene was his sled dogs plucked the Mercedes-Benz in the paucity of condensation of a agreeable lake; ice product Debu, he fell into the water, he tin not climb, and entire the dogs left him, whatever, when he shrieked the bird phoned A Bashi's enough label, it turned out, saved his master, in the before which is a current dog, there is a trust between them, when all the people that it did not appropriate leader of the sled the dog, he deemed it, because trust, created a smart state.
he lived on this land more than half of the quilt, because forestry companies contained, he had to shake out of his elemental territory. < br> He said the hunter is the experience of life.
he and his dog accompanied day and night. He can not do without his dog. in life where we ambition to sail surrounded the sleigh ride in the snow and ice, hunting as the most uncomplicated subsistence!
Norman said, and sometimes play in this region the character of livelihood of ecological equilibrium, can discourage over-breeding of some species, but also promote the viability of a biological population, but only enough to obtain a duplicate of something survival on the line, also have become broke. However, such life and such a living, how numerous people in modern society do? This is his perplexity, he loves his job, even if old enough to fifties, at all times he and his the dogs in, then he carried out in the end to the hunter.
I think maybe not just environmental issues,shanghai massage, as well for preoccupied of themselves.
some entities eventually convert a memories,beijing massage, and eventually the death of a hunter, hunters this manufacture was too to engage in it? may finally vanish! He is the accumulation of the land, and also the protector of the land, he did not seek, merely do enjoy a leisurely hunter.
compare in China Qinghai-Tibet there is variant team of hunters, target innocent sheep loophole at anybody period, Hoh Xil, Tibetan antelope in the blood and tears.
Perhaps the good of human nature to muse approximately the relationship between man and. We prides itself on being all asset spiritual long, but now we send nature to what is it? lost the clear water, blue sky, disappearing,shanghai escort, jeopardized species, so much ......< br> Maybe in a hundred years, those who disappeared vocation can only become a glossary entry!

you mention

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isopod crustaceans biological
Xinhua BEIJING, Dec. 14 United States, ECO
only previously nameless red squid from the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge deep-sea creatures over 80,000 come apt the fore. 50 kinds of another types of squid. This current bio-head namely very small, translucent eyes, tentacles at a colossal number of straw. The creature's jaws fashion namely it is a highly bio-chewing competence. The researchers called it thousands of annuals not the sun. In array apt occupy such a jellyfish, the researchers kick the ice grotto 700 meters deep, underwater camera ambition be hoisted which was proficient to apparently look this tiny being.
s III: Jurassic shrimp
chapter of this should be 50 million years ago, the extinct category. This shrimp live in the sea 400 meters deep,toronto escorts, the researchers called it a > isopod crustacean biology is divided into infrequent and prevalent category. The only the peak size.
scientists discovered the wizardry of sailor life (Photos)
2006 年 12 月 14 日 14:34 China News
Yeti crab
amphipods biological
V : Snow crab
this crab is known as species of crabs alive away from the South Pacific approach Easter Island, 1,500 km of sea. Some researchers is,shanghai escort, the bacterial community tin aid, Biological
photograph looks like the creature like prawns crustaceans,beijing massage, the researchers called it location, it's shaped like foreigner creature movie. This deep sea creatures similar or dead fish along the body to survive predation. (off new)


First, what is the trace element is necessary trace element
6 nutrients (ie protein, portly, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber expense) is an of the minerals. Which accounts because utmost body weight extra than one cried macro elements such as carbon,shanghai escort, hydrogen, oxygen, sodium, potassium, calcium,toronto escorts, sulfur, chlorine, magnesium and phosphorus 11; an ten thousandth of the following referred to as track elements, such as zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, selenium and additional 80 varieties. which maximum of the track factor zinc is one of the human body.
two children common reasons of zinc deficiency
our everyday food to eat is not the lack of zinc, the real absence for zinc supplementation children rarely. but because some children there will be a variety of factors of zinc deficiency phenomenon, mainly for the retinue reasons:
1. malabsorption: Chronic diarrhea can affect the digestion of zinc, when zinc metabolism effectively along the intestinal tract,shanghai escort, diarrhea more often, additional excretion of zinc.
2. more Hanhan in zinc, in a lot of sweating, undue detriment of zinc. It is measured with the sweat of children missing a daytime up to 4 mg zinc; baby sweat can be lost Zinc 1.3 mg.
3. babies are not breast-feeding mature breast milk than in colostrum of high zinc, mama of the baby after birth, colostrum or breast-feeding is insufficient zinc-rich food supplement is at present time to add zinc intake can cause .
4. Zinc requirements amplify, the rapid growth and development of children prone to zinc deficiency, in which circumstance more common in penniless areas;
5. Zinc losing too much, such as nephrotic syndrome, steel, calcium intake increase in the loss of too many zinc.
Second, how to check to determine whether the child is a child of zinc deficiency zinc deficiency present, the hospital more than two usages, which meter the zinc content of hair and zinc content in the blood test. blood zinc Zinc on the recent alterations in the body more emotional, and long-term or chronic zinc deficiency-induced hair zinc as a authentic calculation. merely the results of resolve of zinc in hair of elements, such as hair zinc matter is easily contaminated, it ambition affect hair zinc resolve results, the results are reliable. but the blood of zinc can likewise be affected by numerous ingredients, such as infection, diet, liver and kidney ailment. A diagnosis of whether the child is deficient, must be combined with the symptoms, signs, and whether the reasons to make a synthesis of zinc deficiency inquiry to decide; if symptoms cultivated after zinc appendix, zinc deficiency can also be stated that there. fingertip trace stability of the results of blood checkup even worse,shanghai escort, only as a reference, not as a additional basis.
Third, how to Children zinc
1. to promote breastfeeding: breastfeeding, entire of them at least 4-6 months of breastfeeding the babe, and then gradually alternate to feeding breast or milk substitutes. uptake rate of zinc in bust milk may be 60% or more. particularly the high zinc content of colostrum, the average serum zinc concentration of 4 to 6 times.
2. assistant and zinc-rich foods: the value of zinc in beast foods than vegetation foods, and animal protein amino sour produced by decomposition of zinc can enhance the absorption, the absorption rate is generally almost 50%. synthetic feeding of babies from 4 months along, started to add accessible sponged zinc edible accessory, such as lean mutton by the end, egg yolks, fish glue , animal liver, peanut abrasive, walnut abrasive.
3. balanced diet: 3 annuals of age, children can get enough from food zinc. So a young age helped them amplify not picky eaters, not a partial eclipse of the nice practice, focusing above a balance diet, weight, grains mix and mate, so that the child is generally not of zinc deficiency.
4. Drug zinc baby must have the proper omens and feeding history or the history of zinc deficiency, as well as hospital The test results of blood zinc, zinc deficiency was diagnosed, the medic can be given under the guidance of zinc sulfate or zinc gluconate syrup and other arrangements. generally not exceed the period limit medication 2 months after the customary review ought be promptly discontinued. because zinc The efficient dose and noxious dose individually very small, unfit use, it led to excess capability, excess zinc and zinc deficiency is almost accomplished.
4 children that symptoms suggestive of zinc deficiency
1, growth stupidity, elevation, weight, development indicators such as brain circumference was significantly behind peers, arise small. 2. mastermind development of the slow movement and language developmental lag, lower IQ.
3, abnormal behavior disposed to lethargy, abnormal behavior embolism.
4 , digestive dysfunction, zinc absence decreased the phosphatase in saliva, savor sprouts is depressed, so to anorexia, the partial eclipse, stomatitis, mouth ulcers;
5, pica tin no eat like to dine things such for soil, matchstick , cinder, paper, etc..
6, immune dysfunction cellular immunity and humoral immune dysfunction, decreased immunity, and accordingly prone to cause infections, especially recurrent respiratory tract infection patients.
7, rind and cilia, erratic limb dermatitis, continuing eczema, acne, flame wounds laborious to heal, svelte yellow hair, lack of luster, fix is not smooth, with pearly specks.
In truth, most of these symptoms appear the result of a alignment of factors, zinc deficiency can not be simply interpreted as causes, often accompanied by other diseases. parents scrutinized that if the above-mentioned abnormal signs in time to cater therapeutic message, combined with births, feeding is reasonable, with or without other diseases, blood zinc levels were insistent by reference to the doctor it is simple to make comprehensive decrees. so as to dodge thought the handling of zinc deficiency delays other diseases.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

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stamp crystal remove jellyfish

Gulangyu been underwater globe attach happened to the hands of a few new video card will commute tickets for a few votes in Beijing Pacific Ocean to melodrama the world see what the results of fashionable fish a little dissatisfied in this think there ought be very cool The results may be deserving to peppery inside the relationship between space and few entities inside it a lot worse without the magnificent whales, no swarms of piranha skeleton did not see the giant crab and lobster dynamic membrane did not deserve to know equitable sit will vibrate up a seat pragmatic time peregrination tumble want to go to the person suggested is not strong to see the show
stamp crystal clear jellyfish

this is pretty good dancing reminds me of the Dunhuang frescoes The Flying
ah this is quite shocking moon jellyfish,shanghai escort, right

This is also good pretty much the very light

lot of alter colors namely this is different group of
This is the black thorn
long tail to close-ups
Zhang began at this time there were sharks in the late to work to battle only in the periphery of people to discern the shark embarrassed
staff members were surrounded around 3 or 4 sharks will be sharks
too easy to tear
staff back to see what
want to tickle a shark grasped the shark's tail? Could You give to a shark over the shoulder dart?
admonition is the better ah
these sharks are very precarious to annotate afresh and afresh to prompt visitors of staff to use the flash to prevent rage sharks Mo release its savage
next to the entrance tunnel shot glasses here

shiny submarine undersea treasure ah
shuttle remains in the water the fish
Venus throw her in the water average ah? do not observers understand
Although there is still immense interest stuffy affected
did not come to a close-up Photo blackfish
rays? Bifen?
I think it
skate is a group of small fish < br> Unfortunately,toronto asian escort, I do not know the name ah
still consider of them in the savory taste of the stage it is not merely weird

type also much merely a little dizzy
In counting to these days are beautiful
see his meat, but it is the very agreeable to dine
Cishi also glares at me then?
sharks, keen teeth to the
shot unfortunately not clear
This is the tunnel outside the
beautiful,beijing massage, right?
care afterward to the colorful coral
subtle alignment of ah
Zhang as her to come back close-up Photo
close < br> Marine lack of perception we always see it

striped turtle that this is a very leisurely pace,shanghai escort,small whales are immediately antique, or know of
Conquers the turtle thought the maximal minister of the
grouper fish? understand acquaint me about it forget
see someone you backward the pellet that the ball is light this little penguin penguin escaping from it each step of hot pursuit
very vigorously
It is not clear, alternatively shoot too speedily

you the truth I think it is better or the anime picture of cute
Arowana fish
this seems to be right? wish that sharp adjustment
beak of

I think this pretty sporty this is pretty good

seen this before
it seems to be a whale hope that someone has to tell me
very fast dynamic that seems to parrot fish

This is the snapping turtle green leaves with ruddy fish

it is clear this is one open
Many fish do not begin fighting back
to touch the human we are ah
dual identity locations a long twice fish habitat

4 Ching Ming Festival on World No Tobacco Day

Today Han free apt take a see at family and overseas ,shanghai escort
days holiday, anniversary
1 月 1 eighth day of the twelfth lunar month lunar New Year's Day
first lunar month
Laba Festival Lunar New Year Spring Festival Lantern Festival
2 月 14 Valentine's Day
3 月 5 Sunday School from Lei Feng Day
3 月 8 International Women's Day
3 月 12 日 14 月 Chinese Arbor Day International Day
3 Police at
3 15 International Consumer Rights Day
3 月 21 issue of World Forest Day
3 月 22
3 World Water Day World Meteorological Day 月 23 月 31
3 Japan Security Education Day
4 月 1 日 日 Fool
4 月 5 月 7
4 Ching Ming Festival on World No Tobacco Day
4 World Earth Day 月 22 月 25 日
4 Children's Immunization Day
5 月 1 International Labour Day
5 月 4 日 China Youth
5 月 8 Day World Red Cross Day
5 月 12 Day International Nurses Day
5 14 Mother's Day
5 15 International Day of Families
5 月 17 World Telecommunication Day
5 月 19 on the day of the fifth day weakened at
5 月 31 Dragon Boat Festival Day World No Tobacco Day
6 月 1 Day International Children's Day
6 月 5 World Environmental Day
6 月 6 on the day of Sight Day
6 月 7 World Day against Desertification and Drought < br> 6 月 18 Father's Day
6 月 23 Day International Olympic Day
6 月 25 on the day of the land at
6 月 26 International Day against Drug Day
7 月 1 日 birthday celebration, Hong Kong Reunification Day
7 月 2 Day International Sports Press Day
7 月 7 日
7 annual of the Chinese People's War above World Population Day 月 11 月 1 日
8 Army
September 8 International Literacy Day
9 月 8 International Day of Solidarity of reporters 月 10 日
9 Chinese Teacher's Day
9 月 18 International Day of Peace
9 月 20 on the daytime of Love Teeth Day
9 月 25 Day World Maritime Day
9 月 26 International Day for the Deaf Festival
9 月 27 Day World Tourism Day
10 月 1 Day China National Day,prestigious,guangzhou massage, International Day
10 World Habitat Day on 3 May
10 月 5 Day International Day as Disaster Reduction
Lunar Mid-Autumn Festival
10 月 9 on World Post Day
10 月 14 on World Standards Day
10 15 International Day
10 月 16 blind on World Food port
10 月 18 on World Traditional Medicine Day
10 月 24 United Nations Day
10 月 25 日 flowering of human extinction by
Chung Yeung Festival Double Ninth lunar month,shenzhen escort, adore for the elderly at
10 月 31 Day World thrift Day
11 月 1 月 10 Halloween
11 on World Youth Day
11 月 11 appointment of the Scientific and Peace International Day < br> 11 月 17 Student Day International Day 月 25 日
11 Thanksgiving
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12 December 25 for Christmas


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preference singers

Bernice Liu children
nickname: Princess / Happy girl
Birthday :6-1-1979
Constellation: Capricorn
by penetration: Guangdong Shunde
rince Rupert, British Columbia < br> Height: 5 feet 7 (1.71 meters)
Measurements: 35c - 25 - 35
Blood type: O +
Religion: Christian
Language: Chinese, English
Education: junior
plate: private automobile
experience: commercials in Canada, Film and television
Interests: dancing, cooking, seaming and knitting
Special skills: singing, dancing
dream: try my hardest
surround of friends: Liu Kaiwei, Sammul Chan, Kenix Kwok, Myolie Wu, Tavia Yeung ...
favorite ......< br> cartoon: Rupert Bear
Song: The Greatest Love Of All
sport: riding a bicycle, playing golf, wrestling
Music: All Music (JAZZ, POP, HIP HOP, CLASSICAL, KB ......)< br> Color: blue, black, ruddy
food: fruit, soup, mutton
TV: All types
fashion: occasional, sporty
singer: Sally, Anita Mui, Leslie Cheung, Aaron Kwok
book: The Little Train That Could, Song Of Solomon
Film: The Chinese Phantom of the Opera
countries: Canada, China
in TVB Drama:
happy (2001-2002)
- Deep Tin Princess / Gong Xin Su < br> Golden Years (2002)
- Princess
Survivor Law (2003)
- Jiang Sijia
- Wang Yi
wealthy Gulf Extreme house edge
heart and flowers blossom
Healing Hands 3
percent of magnetism Cry (not broadcast)
mighty sword rivers and lakes (the shooting)

my wife in the film is insufficient to balance
- Miss Li
Dream Girl
margin Gun
mad heaviness in the case of MTV:
------ Bernice Liu children truth (Department of the chief children sang Pitt, Thin Air theme song < br> facts (Jade Solid Gold version)
Aaron mm more love the better (Actress)
in the ad:
PAPA JELLY (with Jenny)
LF perfect health food prescription wedding photography company

French poetry Diba recommended shower gel
Hong Luk Fook Jewellery
first women-only body drinks
Venus razor Bi child care experience Tropical Fever < br> ----- French Oriental Ying Manning brawn
Lactacyd Lactacyd petticoat hygiene cleansing products
Record: Jietai laughter
others: Sam Hui agreement extravaganza of any visitor
high 171cm, with 35C, 24,35 Bernice Liu impressive body of children known for up to the buffet series, Princess Bernice Liu picture caught on children, the popularity also will increase. and her sexy anyhow innocent outward, she fascinated a lot for the attention of advertisers last year, she successfully replaced Cecilia Cheung as a well-known wedding dress brand new face. Bernice Liu has a infrequent child who's praying to spectators, so the spectators is often a large degree of approval of her performing immature, does not talk Cantonese, the flaw. of lesson, hard work, she is also in progress, in the form version of Her performance in the years to be sure everyone's attention and.
Although the acting is also to be enhanced, but said very agreeable to viewers, so many scenes.
Nancy Sit
English name: Nancy
previously known as: Xue Jiayan
Date of Birth: March 30, 1950 Constellation: Aries
Zodiac Year: Tiger home: Central, Hong Kong
Family status: divorced, and they have 2 girls, 1 son, 2 Filipino laborers home ..
mother has passed away, his father living, 1 sister, 2 sister Occupation: artist song movie amphibious, Metro Radio DJ, US-based Church's boss
Company: TVB cord TV, Metro Radio, the United States type elements
Education: secondary class (All Saints School)
ideal match: honest, responsible, like her performance
mantra: I am with you about
Color: chromatic religious
: Catholic
-year-old started making movies, debut vice car, case in point: 1968), and so are all. Until 1967, a accident to become the female guide, show the first bear was the film Nancy Sit in the > Cantonese films seventies decline, Nancy Sit switch to television development, and Michael Lai host a , In 1996 soon after leaving perfect married Nancy Sit, a failed wedding, with the wireless TV series Feng, Leslie Cheung, Sandra Ng and other celebrities attend the four
birthday :1974-02-03
Blood: A
Location: Hong Kong
English name: Miriam Yeung ChinWah
nickname: Big Head sister, Yang IV ( best test 4), Daxiaogupo (huge laughter), thousands FA
Place of birth: Hong Kong (Tsan Yuk Hospital)
Height: 163 cm
vision: about two hundred a few degrees of myopia
Education: Secondary Six nursing schools (three years)
Languages ​​Spoken: Cantonese, Mandarin, English, Teochew language
Zodiac Year: Tiger
Personality: joyful, vigorous, honest, friendly and others < br> Specialty: singing, playing the piano, ballet and English calligraphy
motto: fearless but alert thick-skinned. rock will like this, enterprises ought not only be wrong to play
Biren Family: Parents, a brother, a where his sister lived
: site: To Kwa Wan, Kowloon,
current site: Island in the Mid
country: Chaozhou
Hobbies: dancing, singing, wade onward the streets, playing puzzles
wrong habits: grinding dirt (dry lips, peel), nectar some lemon tea
get up before going to slumber habits: drinking coffee
favorite singers: Jacky Cheung, Faye Wong
Favorite Actor: Chow Yun Fat, Richard Gere
Favorite food: ice emulsion
favorite fruit: strawberry
favorite season: Winter
favorite sports: badminton, volleyball, running
favorite color: Purple
favorite country: United States, the most memorable things
London: New Talent Singing Competition
cast to participate in work
born of a 2 chance 1 (2006)
Drink Drank Drunk (2005)
fake Emperor Disguised Superstar, A (2004)
sweetly My Sweetie (2004)
almonds Dut hiu yuet yuen (2004)
Three of a Kind Three of a Kind (2004)
Happy 2004 happyer 2004 (2004)
Wei 2003 Dragon Loaded (2003)
Love Undercover II of Love Mission Love Undercover II: Love Mission (2003)
My Lucky Star My Lucky Star (2003)
Subway Dei gwong tit (2003)
安娜与武林 An na yu wu li (2003)
my supermodel girlfriend (2002)
Dry Wood Fierce Fire Dry Wood, Fierce Fire (2002)
new bar Shimei Love Undercover (2002)
Qianqianjiazu Frugal Game (2002)
hundred percent feeling II Feel 100% II (2001)
Yunvtianding Dummy Mommy, Without a Baby (2001)
jealous father
palatable savory king
Taixiaogupo known Miriam Yeung and laughed really exaggerated, but also shake also quiet, psychological drama is very touching lecture to
Zheng Xueer
English Name: Michelle Cheng
Chinese Name: Zheng Xueer
Birthday: 12.12
Blood type: B
Height: 167cm
Weight: 43kg
Constellation: Sagittarius
languages: English, Guangdong If, Mandarin
Education: Nanyang Technological University Department of Communication graduate
Favorite sports: outside activities to activate always adore me, like a parachute it! bungee it! diving h.. etc!
Entertainment: Look movies, listening to music, reading, care about the earth of information about popular news
family members: father + mother + I
favorite books: a view of books on life
Favorite food: watermelon, mango , fruits and vegetables, chocolate, water
favorite color:: blue, white,beijing escort, black
Favorite animals: cats, dogs
Favorite actor: Edward Norton, Brad Peter
like Film: creative or a good story like the comic book movie
: South Fourth inexpensive off, CalviN & HobbEs
Favorite cities: San Francisco, London, New York
Favorite season: spring
not cold favorite locations to go top, beach, water
visited countries: Europe, the United Kingdom, United States, Australia
most afraid of asset slowly, nonsense
annoying thing: Repeat meaningless things
(1) want to go to New York
(2) want to be happy to do a were immature, look too strict, but still young, there is still many apartment for evolution
Sherming Yiu
English Name: Sherming Yiu
Birthplace: Guangdong Province, Nanhai County
Birthday: 1978 September 23 Date
Constellation: Libra
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Bust: 88 cm
Waist: 60 cm
Hips: 86 cm, and has performed in drama
Five of the moon Female (2000) ... CoCo
thief son (2000)
Happy Valley Moonlight (2000)
opposition me will dead gang of money
King of Comedy
Well ample to wash
Ghost Standing
Unbelievable play dead at home of Mirror
ultimate chapter of the final lamb
shaking Great toy bandit sovereign

PRGirls youth flesh help communication ... Matilda

Super Tricky King has performed ad: American Ginseng
Sherming Yiu no joined the telegraph ahead, working models and Kara OK protagonist, was after sent to partake in the wireless abrupt stir, Tam played the second and third line role. then turned to the Film Development Yao, in counting to the taste of a taste while the heroine, but also to increase awareness, in adding to the servant stage, but also took a lot of advertising and office talker, brought numerous of her opportunity to make money.
role on the part of the audience comments:
body good show out.
the starting of 5 of the moon But the symbols do not prefer it.
very cute, and Liu Kaiwei Nguyen played a pair of small, very appropriate.
Yao happy in the performance is very good, very successful transition, lovely girl.
read Oh, very pure and lovely stark good
Rain Li
elemental name: Li Caihua
English name: Rain Li
Date of Birth: November 11, 1983
Constellation: Scorpio
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 115 lbs
Education: high educate
School: Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea School
family members: father, mother, brother
proficient in languages: Cantonese, Mandarin, English
most memorable things: advertising film overnight, become a model
Hobbies: dancing, swimming, skating, cycling
Expertise: Chinese Dance
favorite activities: singing, shopping
favorite Food: All food
most disliked food: Guan Qian (because of the smell)
favorite color: pink, dark, pearly
favorite sports: high bound favorite idols
: Kelly
favorite foreign singer: Mariah Carey
favorite local singer: Kelly Chen
favorite diplomatic artists: Richard Gere
favorite local artists: Kelly
Favorite movie: sweet, Titanic
favorite animal: dog

entry via the performing masterpieces course:
scout in the metro station was excavated part-time model, after being the gold prize Manager Paco in the Air, until after graduating from high school to join the entertainment business development, is joining the eastern log.
has emerged in MTV:
Leo Advertising:
Standard Chartered Credit Card, Cathay Pacific, VO5 Hot Oil mend series, EolAsia, Epson Advertising
owned clothes label: Eastern music
owned management company: treatment company
gold starred hundred percent feeling Jade Leung
(Cantonese: jade Leung Ching / Leung, Tsang jade)
Date of Birth: November 23, 1969
Language: Cantonese, Mandarin, English, French
Height: 165cm
Weight: 50kg
Hobbies: Exercise
love of food: fowl
love of fruit: lychee
love of sports: martial arts, cycling
loved the place: Switzerland
favorite The types of movie: so long as good-looking, what type of love
favorite music: pop music
love the dress: Casual
favorite type of car: BMW
the most respected people: parents most
want to do: making a good movie or TV series
ambition to visit places: to the mountains to visit the local children
resume: 16 years of old to work chapter time because four years in French Switzerland. has run 90 eastern matron, behind the Hong Kong film enterprise Double
around looking for a film actress, Leung Tsang stand out from more than 200 candidates were shooting Sin
Shin appreciated first film won the 1992 Hong Kong Film Awards, Leung Tsang received
2000, 20-episode TV series
In 40-episode TV array Woman set cop drama persisted power, black money and Kelly Lin is a co-production of electricity
film, looked at her costumes, beautiful Oh, for the costume that
English name: Chiu, Bondy
Birthday: 03-31 Hometown: Hong Kong
Height: 170cm Weight: 46kg
Constellation: Aries
name: Zhaohui Yan
wish: every success and good health, a successful artiste
collection items: Books
good at languages: Cantonese, Mandarin, English
vocation before fame: Short-term clerical, sales
favorite food or fruit: desserts, fruit
like animals or plants: Small dogs like
clothing brand, worn or accessories: I'm good looking forward to have either the shirt
favorite sports: Bowling,toronto escorts, badminton, swimming
favorite actor or singer: Dodo Cheng, Chow Yun Fat, Carpenters, Sheryl Crow, Michael Jackson
favorite film alternatively music album: good music
Favorite color: black, white, blue and pink, green
like their parts: short hair
annoying thing: to be memorable Qu
or experience: join distraction
He has performed in TV shows:
1993-1994 Eye】 【entertainment news host
1993】 【hosted
1994 Wonder Women Pleasure and Leisure】 【hosted
1995 Record】 【O recorded TV
1996 Record sequel】 【O record TV
1997】 【TV
1998 Tian Long Ba Bu Tong】 【TV
2001 Long courage】 【TV
2001-2002 TV
2001-2002】 【happy Jade Solid Gold】 【hosted
2004 Fashion Edition>
He has performed in the film:
1996】 【see you supporting actress
1997 【seven princess Lan Kwai Fong Actress
1998】 【】 Actress
Nomad Personal Record:
1994 【】 EP
1995 rebel songs every two seconds】 【album
1996】 【more love more fear Tracing】 【album
1997 album
1997 【Chiu new song home series】 【Add Selected
1998 I said to you apt be cheerful INSIDE】 【】 album
1999 album
2000】 【new anthem is best to slowly increase until elected
170 cm 46 kg, it is really not a little skinny, Nicholas said the outgoing year and the situation Jiedi Lian, Zeng this speech, singing career, she went into the bottleneck aggravate, but then her outlook correction soon subsequently, began his career in the second peak.
Carol Cheng
English name: Carol Cheng
nickname: Dudu
Nickname: Dudu, DoDo, Miss Mo
inline nickname: Zheng nine, kissing the Queen
Birthday: 1957 September 9 Zodiac: Chicken
Constellation: Virgo
Birthplace: Sichuan
Hometown: Hong Kong
Height: 5 feet 6 inches / 1.68 meters
Weight: 100 pounds hardly ever is nourished at
Health: Excellent (Andy Hui has extra than a marathon), but it seems a puny vision problem, antique bloom status (and early movie too much almost)
Education: Training in Hong Kong Jiayi TV artistes, the Church of England Good Hope School Middle School High School
family: his mom died, a sibling
Language: Cantonese, Sichuan provincialism, Mandarin, English (very proficient and eloquent)
journal entertainment: fitness, watching movies, shopping, voyage , ICQ internet with friends and E-mail
customary trick: Dial the biggest avails
hair: got a little older
biggest drawback: There is mini older
greatest wish: one interview with Christ, the most satisfactory
work: always the afterward one!
favorite color: black, white, blue, beige
favorite food: honey tea, Japanese, Italian abrasive, Sichuan cuisine, French cuisine, wine < br> The maximum adored woman: Audrey Eu (Hong Kong Cantonese)
Favorite singer: Rolling Stone Rolling Stones, Jamiroquai, David Tao, Sandy
favorite actors: Jackie Chan, Sylvia Chang (who lost a meantime Kimura Takuya, namely immediately turn of, but still think that the Life Special 1 to 4 sets and so above. In short wide scope of interests, perusing many and complex. approval Favorite pets: three dogs
favorite brands: Giorgio Armani, GUCCI, Chanel, HERMES, Burberry, LV, Coach, Kate Spade, Bottega Veneta, etc. (Basically, high quality, hand good, elegant and charming things she loves, in recent years have more and more sportswear Look)
former boyfriend: Kam Kwok-leung
current boyfriend: Lui Fong
Friends: Kouhong Ping, Cha Xiaoxin, Liza Wang, ; other members of the Chen Xiuzhu, Chow Yun Fat
entertainment circle (the digit of very public, will not catalogue them)
obliged the toot out of the loop: Hong Kong's premier working emperor, administrative manager of PCCW and additional
Linus Cheung starred in the film:
people web work down, irreconcilable>
1981 years: Phoenix crocodile
1982 years: the bad end liang yuan
1983 Stardust years: Woman On The Beat
1984 years: further the love line, Families with young wife
1985 Year: Lv Siniang, species count, happy specter, Yangs
1986 Year: Liumangdaheng, Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
1987 years: Journey of Life, master of ceremonies, it is very admirable. I memorize junior high school, I read her to play the series WanPik-Ha
Height: 169CM
Weight: 44KG
Date of birth: December 6, 1966
Birthplace: Hong Kong
Birthplace: Manchu
Zodiac: Horse Horoscope: Sagittarius
blood type: B
Birthday: December 6, 1966 Occupation: Actor
bedtime habits: listening to music
favorite subjects: literature, art
most argued subjects V: Mathematics
most Huan season: summer, autumn
most annoying weather: watery
King exciting experience: driving chance
favorite pastimes: swimming, outdoor activities, playing with cats < br> Favorite clothes: natural
favorite expressions: laugh
favorite animals: cats, dogs
favorite fruits: papaya, orange
most resistant to the food: meat
the most attention to the inverse sex body parts: eyes
video works
Love of > Golden Dragon Award for the Outstanding TV Actress.
1990 years - Next Magazine top ten most popular TV host female artistes second.
1991 years - sponsored at Next Magazine altitude ten most fashionable TV artistes (masculine, female) fourth.
1993 years - Taiwan's most popular female artistes in Hong Kong TV second.
1994 years - Taiwan's most popular female artistes in Hong Kong television's first name and a dream Valentine fourth.
1995 years - TVB) Award for the best moving interpretation.
2002 年 8 March Kathy Chow Ying -1 vehicles League Awards l r (Carplus host)
2002 年 4 月 26 日 Kathy Chow Ying charisma Award. (gentleman Magazine host)
eyes are talking, in particular, tapering his eyes, quite attractive. Zhinuo week she played is very agreeable, the emotion of the final round of murderous version is greater than the tall point, but is likewise even like the high-MM to
Zhang Yushan
English name: Shirley Cheung
Birth: 1974.11.8
Height: 5'7 : Scorpio
Birthplace: Chaoyang
family: father, mother, brother, brother
of residence: Hong Kong Southern District
School: SKH Chi Nam Primary School
School: Pui TaK Canossian College < br> Favorite singer: Leslie Cheung, Lin Yi Lian, Madonna, Nakajima Miyuki
Favorite Actor: Joey Wang, Winona Ryder
favorite movie: Bram Stoker's
Favorite Food: Salmon Favorite
Fruit: Apple
favorite clothing: cozy
favorite colors: white, blue
favorite sports: cycling
favorite animals: cats, dogs
favorite holiday: Christmas Christmas
the most adored figures: Mummy
Hobbies: reading, listening to music
fear of animals: rats
favorite places: Japan
private wish: to be a successful Artist
the role of the audience on some of the comments:
the role played by Zhang Yushan seems very disastrous result is not what.
of Jessica, can dream what the results would surely not.
Zhang Yushan the merely disappointment.
Yu Hong eliminate or flee the meteorite, what a hardy newborn.
penetrated her play a small role fair think are pretty good acting in general have been plunging in now, not value Feie
Zhang Huiyi
English name: Angie Cheung
Date of birth: 11.14
Height: 163cm
Weight: 100 lbs
Constellation: Scorpio
Hobbies: singing, dining, listening to music
entry after: Malaysia Yi Baohua port 1992 flee small ...