Thursday, May 5, 2011


First, what is the trace element is necessary trace element
6 nutrients (ie protein, portly, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber expense) is an of the minerals. Which accounts because utmost body weight extra than one cried macro elements such as carbon,shanghai escort, hydrogen, oxygen, sodium, potassium, calcium,toronto escorts, sulfur, chlorine, magnesium and phosphorus 11; an ten thousandth of the following referred to as track elements, such as zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, selenium and additional 80 varieties. which maximum of the track factor zinc is one of the human body.
two children common reasons of zinc deficiency
our everyday food to eat is not the lack of zinc, the real absence for zinc supplementation children rarely. but because some children there will be a variety of factors of zinc deficiency phenomenon, mainly for the retinue reasons:
1. malabsorption: Chronic diarrhea can affect the digestion of zinc, when zinc metabolism effectively along the intestinal tract,shanghai escort, diarrhea more often, additional excretion of zinc.
2. more Hanhan in zinc, in a lot of sweating, undue detriment of zinc. It is measured with the sweat of children missing a daytime up to 4 mg zinc; baby sweat can be lost Zinc 1.3 mg.
3. babies are not breast-feeding mature breast milk than in colostrum of high zinc, mama of the baby after birth, colostrum or breast-feeding is insufficient zinc-rich food supplement is at present time to add zinc intake can cause .
4. Zinc requirements amplify, the rapid growth and development of children prone to zinc deficiency, in which circumstance more common in penniless areas;
5. Zinc losing too much, such as nephrotic syndrome, steel, calcium intake increase in the loss of too many zinc.
Second, how to check to determine whether the child is a child of zinc deficiency zinc deficiency present, the hospital more than two usages, which meter the zinc content of hair and zinc content in the blood test. blood zinc Zinc on the recent alterations in the body more emotional, and long-term or chronic zinc deficiency-induced hair zinc as a authentic calculation. merely the results of resolve of zinc in hair of elements, such as hair zinc matter is easily contaminated, it ambition affect hair zinc resolve results, the results are reliable. but the blood of zinc can likewise be affected by numerous ingredients, such as infection, diet, liver and kidney ailment. A diagnosis of whether the child is deficient, must be combined with the symptoms, signs, and whether the reasons to make a synthesis of zinc deficiency inquiry to decide; if symptoms cultivated after zinc appendix, zinc deficiency can also be stated that there. fingertip trace stability of the results of blood checkup even worse,shanghai escort, only as a reference, not as a additional basis.
Third, how to Children zinc
1. to promote breastfeeding: breastfeeding, entire of them at least 4-6 months of breastfeeding the babe, and then gradually alternate to feeding breast or milk substitutes. uptake rate of zinc in bust milk may be 60% or more. particularly the high zinc content of colostrum, the average serum zinc concentration of 4 to 6 times.
2. assistant and zinc-rich foods: the value of zinc in beast foods than vegetation foods, and animal protein amino sour produced by decomposition of zinc can enhance the absorption, the absorption rate is generally almost 50%. synthetic feeding of babies from 4 months along, started to add accessible sponged zinc edible accessory, such as lean mutton by the end, egg yolks, fish glue , animal liver, peanut abrasive, walnut abrasive.
3. balanced diet: 3 annuals of age, children can get enough from food zinc. So a young age helped them amplify not picky eaters, not a partial eclipse of the nice practice, focusing above a balance diet, weight, grains mix and mate, so that the child is generally not of zinc deficiency.
4. Drug zinc baby must have the proper omens and feeding history or the history of zinc deficiency, as well as hospital The test results of blood zinc, zinc deficiency was diagnosed, the medic can be given under the guidance of zinc sulfate or zinc gluconate syrup and other arrangements. generally not exceed the period limit medication 2 months after the customary review ought be promptly discontinued. because zinc The efficient dose and noxious dose individually very small, unfit use, it led to excess capability, excess zinc and zinc deficiency is almost accomplished.
4 children that symptoms suggestive of zinc deficiency
1, growth stupidity, elevation, weight, development indicators such as brain circumference was significantly behind peers, arise small. 2. mastermind development of the slow movement and language developmental lag, lower IQ.
3, abnormal behavior disposed to lethargy, abnormal behavior embolism.
4 , digestive dysfunction, zinc absence decreased the phosphatase in saliva, savor sprouts is depressed, so to anorexia, the partial eclipse, stomatitis, mouth ulcers;
5, pica tin no eat like to dine things such for soil, matchstick , cinder, paper, etc..
6, immune dysfunction cellular immunity and humoral immune dysfunction, decreased immunity, and accordingly prone to cause infections, especially recurrent respiratory tract infection patients.
7, rind and cilia, erratic limb dermatitis, continuing eczema, acne, flame wounds laborious to heal, svelte yellow hair, lack of luster, fix is not smooth, with pearly specks.
In truth, most of these symptoms appear the result of a alignment of factors, zinc deficiency can not be simply interpreted as causes, often accompanied by other diseases. parents scrutinized that if the above-mentioned abnormal signs in time to cater therapeutic message, combined with births, feeding is reasonable, with or without other diseases, blood zinc levels were insistent by reference to the doctor it is simple to make comprehensive decrees. so as to dodge thought the handling of zinc deficiency delays other diseases.

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